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A community’s concern turns to action

Save Our Sands (SOS)

22 Aug, 2022


thumbnail 16 MF-KenSandmine2 copy-655Recently I was asked the question: What made you get involved with the whole sand mining saga? It certainly is a saga.

I got involved because I did not know! I did not know the history of sand mining. I did not know the environmental damage being incurred. I did not know the impact on customary rights that were being relentlessly undertaken. I did not know that all of the reasons I had moved my life to Mangawhai, the very precious sea bird life, the bountiful sea bed, the white sandy beaches, the amazing estuary and sand spit, the waves to surf on, were about to be threatened with extinction. And above all, I certainly did not know about the legal process, that the Resource Management Act (1991) (RMA) now requires to enable or refuse this continuance of mining. In this situation we can be pleased of its being there.

When I first heard that a new sand mining resource consent was being sought I asked the then chair of the Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society (MHRS), Doug Lloyd, for some background history, with Doug explaining it very clearly that it was in the DNA of the MHRS to fight any activity that threatened the harbour and coastline that we were the guardians of, we had always done it in the past, and will always do it in the future.

I realised that sand mining resource consents only happen every 10-15 years, so it is something that is not in our face every year; the need to bring an awareness to our community was essential, particularly as the three new mining consents were for 35 years. Our wonderful communities responded very quickly when made aware of these threats, with interest moving to concern, and concern moving to action.

How is action best demonstrated? The legal RMA processes are nearing completion, and over the past two weeks the commissioners appointed to hear representations from those opposed to the granting of the consents and those for, have heard the following voices opposing the mining:

· A petition with over 16,000 signatures opposing mining was presented.

· Over 1800 opposing written submissions were lodged.

· The three surrounding councils – Auckland Council, Kaipara District Council and the Northland Regional Council – opposed the applications.

· The Department Of Conservation, The Auckland Conservation Board, The Institute of Marine Science, Royal Forest and Bird Society, NZ Fairy Tern Trust, the Endangered Species of New Zealand and Environmental Law Initiative, all opposed the granting of the consents.

Add to this our SOS Save Our Sands team with the Friends of Pakiri, Whanau O Pakiri, the MHRS and Greenpeace, our community can be assured its interests and concerns were well presented to the commissioners.

Sand mining company McCallum Brothers have advised they will not recognise the decisions of the commissioners, and will take it further to the Environment Court. They clearly feel a sense of entitlement to continue the sand taking they have been doing for

70 plus years. Choosing to take a commercial dollar gain as a platform to the Environment Court may well be an initiative McCallum Bros will regret later as ill-considered.

We will know the commissioners’ findings by end September or early October.


It was in the DNA of the MHRS to fight any activity that threatened the harbour and coastline that we were the guardians of.


The community responded very quickly when made aware of mining threats to local shores with organised protests and over 16,000 signatures opposing future mining licences. PHOTO/JULIA WADE

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