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Gardening with Gael: Community garden a growing inspiration



22 Aug, 2022


thumbnail Mangawhai Community Garden drone 2022-7The Mangawhai Community Garden has got to be one of my favourite places to report on. They are, one and all, an inspiration. Time to pop in and see what was happening.

The gardens are run by a group of enthusiastic volunteers. Recently Andy Bruce of Elevated Media took some drone shots which the group have kindly let us use for the article. These photos show just how extensive the gardens have become.

I was in a mad panic the day I called in, worried that everyone would have gone, but no, Trish, one of the supervisors, was still there. Trish is there every Friday from 7.30am. I managed to still catch her at 11.30am. She is the ‘go to’ person for anyone needing direction. Volunteers are welcome any time on a Friday morning for as long as they are able.

There were two volunteers, Carole and Gillian [see photo] still working in the strawberry patch. They were dividing up the runners and replanting for this season. Extra plants are sold in bundles of 10 in the wee shop at the entrance.

Gillian is new to the area. She spotted the Community Garden on Facebook and although she is a complete novice she volunteered. She sees it as an excellent way of meeting new people and being part of a community venture. Plus, she hoped to learn about gardening and contribute. Watching her skilfully pulling apart the runners and preparing them for planting, I found it fascinating to see how quickly she had acquired the necessary skills.

Elsewhere in the gardens the boysenberry needed containing. Ali and Gilly decided the bath would contain the boysenberries. Mint had been growing successfully in the bath. The mint was removed. Some of the plants were replanted and the surplus mint was being potted and sold in the shop. The boysenberry was then planted into the bath in the hope of containing it.

Over by the spring onions Debbie has been trialling apple cider vinegar and water spray to deter the rust on both the spring onions and the garlic. After a regular spray programme for four weeks it seems to be working, although the opinion was that it would need regular applications.

I was too late to see this but Trish and Janet have been setting up a kumara slip nursery. I am keen to go back and see how it progresses.

thumbnail Dividing strawberries-23Onsite composting is now in operation. There are six bins working and plans to build another three. These bins lessen the need for buying dirt and mulch, saving in ongoing costs. The strawberries were certainly being planted in damp, rich soil and the asparagus plants had just been fertilised. Again, asparagus seedlings are available at the shop.

The gardens looked remarkably weed free. With all the rain I am struggling at home to keep on top of them. Trish gave me an excellent tip for that yellow flowering oxalis which creeps in everywhere. Use the yellow flower in salads and then drown the plant in a drum of water. The resulting liquid is high in nitrogen and can used to feed the plants.

Unfortunately I was too late for the amazing morning tea Victoria supplies each week. Surely that is an extra bonus for anyone interested in coming to help .

Shop hours are Friday 8.30am–10.30am. Bring cash. Not only are there plants for sale, but delicious homemade jams and chutneys. Friday mornings Mangawhai Community gardens. Where else would you want to be?


The Mangawhai Community Garden has become extensive and varied, is very social, and has a great morning tea. PHOTO/ELEVATED MEDIA


Volunteers Carole and Gillian are hard at work in the strawberry patch. PHOTO/GAEL MCCONACHY

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