
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



10th July 2017

New town: Mangawhai’s future vision

A development company got more than they bargained for at a community meeting recently when a crowd of around 300 people turned up to hear their vision for a new township in the area.


13 Mangawhai Central meeting-327

Ed Said - Little old New Zealand, NOT!

Is there anything that annoys you about ‘little old New Zealand’? My answer to that is ‘EVERYTHING’!



Plastic-free philosophy gaining momentum

A new local environmental initiative dedicated to tackling the problem of single-use plastics has adopted a bold new mission - for Mangawhai to be Northland’s first plastic-free town.


13 MF-Plasticfree1-376

Mayors Message - Roading meetings well attended


Letters to the Editor

Mangawhai belongs to all - This is indeed a sign of the time.
Voting process hijacked - I refer to a recent Letter titled ‘Domain Committee Coup’.
Read the small print - In my letter to the editor I made a statement that is somewhat incorrect.
Customary rights cover-up - I write this in support of Noel Hilliam.
Another ‘flag’ trick? - A disturbing threat to our nation ever becoming a true democracy

Young musical talent shines

Local young musicians of various genres figured prominently in the Northland regional final of Smokefreerockquest in front of an enthusiastic crowd at Forum North, Whangarei recently.


The Weevils-372

No shortage of talent at variety show

Since 1999, Otamatea High School has gradually developed the Olla Podriga evening into one of the most enthusiastically awaited shows of the year. Loosely translated as a mix of cultures, it brings out a wealth and variety of talent.



Exhibition shows influence of technology

Museum technoloy exhibition-544

Winter flakes on your body

How is your skin handling the harshness of winter? Are your legs dry and flaky?

We cover up in winter and often forget to take care of our skin. Going from warm to cold environments, from the heat of fires and heat pumps to the cold outside aggressing our skin.


Mangawhai home features in national award

When thinking of the building trade we are well aware of the annual building, architecture and Home Of The Year awards but are somehow unaware that the icing on the cake can often come from the interior and exterior efforts by the painters.


Bream Bay Painting winning team-195

Panel reports back on Mangawhai Community Plan

Clean, connected, safe, slow, active – these are the words that underpin the recommendations of the Community Advisory Panel on the Mangawhai Community Plan.


IMG 1731 Examining plans-193

Police Snippets

13 MF-Tagging-664

Vaxxed leaves viewers vexed

13 MF-Vaxxed Sarah Cox-638

News in Brief

Funds boost netball
Mangawhai Netball Club turned winter into a Winter Wonderland
Cooking cash for kids
The school holiday challenge anyone aged 10-18 can do at home is back for its seventh year
Kids learn enviro message
Students at Mangawhai Beach School are embracing Plastic Free July

Fresh purpose for iconic Ark

A unique and distinctive structure sitting on the main route through Kaiwaka is destined to become the new centre for east-Kaipara residents’ holistic health care, thanks to a couple’s desire to give back to their community.


13 MF-the Ark-605

New marine pest management plan adopted, general rates increase

Bringing old technology to a new generation 

This July school holidays Mary Kelleher is opening the doors to her Stitch-in-time Studio at 3 Sailrock Drive, Mangawhai Heads, offering a free learning experience.


Mary Kelleher 2017-559

Tartan Week part of local culture

The Smiths return home


Gardening with Gael -  Autumn colour dazzles

I arrived back from visiting my son just in time for the autumn colours I so love. Just as well because with the rain and temperate conditions the rest of the garden was [and still is] a jungle.


Worzels World - There Will Be Hell To Pay

They say there is no rest for the wicked and by all accounts the righteous also have their noses to the grindstone and shoulders to the wheel. There are not enough hours in the day and a woman’s work is never done.


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