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MRRA send $54m bill to OAG


After unsuccessfully trying to overturn the Kaipara Validation Act, which retrospectively validated irregularities in the setting and assessing of rates relating to Mangawhai’s EcoCare wastewater scheme, the Mangawhai Ratepayers & Residents Association (MRRA) is trying a different avenue.

Frustrated by what they see as inaction by the Kaipara District Council (KDC) in their legal proceedings against Attorney-General Lyn Provost which were launched late 2014, the MRRA met prior to Christmas to discuss other options of possible restitution or recovery in respect of the on-going rates debacle.

As a result, just prior to Christmas, the Association invoiced the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for the amount believed to be the discrepancy between what was paid and what was originally accepted in the EcoCare contract – a value of $54 million.

It had already been established the OAG has some culpability regarding ‘irregularities’ of their three audits prior to the dissolution of the Council.

Loss of their recent appeal against a High Court ruling – and having to pay Council costs – was a blow to the cause but in his judgement Justice Miller said the OAG and others may be liable for compensation.

However to take Judicial Review proceedings could easily cost $1m and require a more specialised legal team.

“Obviously that was not an option,” says MRRA chairman Bruce Rogan “so if we can’t sue the office we can bill them.”

With a due date for payment of January 20, at print time and given the statutory and holiday periods, no response had been forthcoming.

“If there is no action then we may organise a petition and ask Parliament to investigate the Auditor-General,” he said.

Any payment made would be held in trust until a suitable deed of settlement could be arranged.

As lobbying for a new Kaipara council will begin in the not-too-distant future it is important that some definite management strategy is in place and manageable for when a new governing body is elected on the second Saturday in October.

“This issue needs to be brought to an end this year,” Mr Rogan added.

The AGM of the Mangawhai Ratepayers & Residents Association will be held at 1.30pm on January 17 at the Senior Citizens Hall, Fagan Place, Mangawhai.

By Rob Pooley

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