Why have a massage?If you have never had a massage before you are missing out! There's no denying the power of massage and the many health benefits associated with it. Regardless of the adjectives we assign to it – pampering, rejuvenating, therapeutic – or the reasons we seek it out such as a luxurious treat, stress relief or pain management, massage therapy should become a part of your wellness lifestyle to create a sense of balance and harmony in your life. Massage has many proven health benefits. As we massage we stretch weak, tight muscles helping them to relax and soften. Blood circulation is improved helping with muscle repair. Arthritis sufferers note fewer aches and less stiffness and pain as joint flexibility can be improved. Immunity is improved because massage can stimulate the lymph flow helping the body's natural defence system. Migriane sufferers find it beneficial in relieving their headaches – endorphins are released during the massage which are your body's natural painkiller. This then helps to alleviate the pain. It is estimated that upwards of 90 percent of disease is stress related, and nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress. There are many different types of massage. It is good to start with a relaxation style Swedish massage, then move onto deeper tissue treatments. Indian massage is great for upper back and pregnancy. Full body hot stone massage is very beneficial for deeper relaxation. Talk to your massage therapist about your reasons for wanting the massage and they will recommend the right treatment for you. This is the perfect time of year. Winter is the time to focus on your wellness with massage. n Alex Donald is owner of Pure Essence Face & Body Clinic and has worked in the beauty industry for 20 years. Online |