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Documentary short highlights community bond forged through art



Julia Wade


13 Mar, 2023


thumbnail 5 MF-Moonlit2 copy-147Although art and creativity also took a hit from Mangawhai’s great flood of February 24, with attendance numbers of the highly popular Mangawhai Art Trail dampened by the downpour and carnage to the roading network, a number of art lovers still ventured out, and for the first time on the Trail, could take in a visual feast of colour and imagination via film.

The newly-released film short ‘One Moonlit Night, Magical Mangawhai Goes Bush' played at Mangawhai Movies on both days of the event, the half-hour documentary telling the story of Mangawhai Artists Inc [MAI] 2018 community art installation [a site-specific, three-dimensional artistic genre which transforms an internal space] which inspired hundreds of artists, locals and visitors alike, to pick up a paint brush and get creative.

Viewers are taken on an enchanting journey from the initial concept of the project to the community’s involvement, with commentary by those directly involved as well as supporters, and captivating footage of the finished fluorescent product, an illuminated cinematographic venture through a glowing moonlit gallery.

Although disappointed at the low attendance numbers at the film and art studios open on the Trail, Moonlit’s project creator, artist Rosina Kamphuis who made the movie with local filmmaker Wayne George, understands the difficulties and challenges many would have to deal with in their homes after the impact of the recent severe weather systems, along with road closures and unsafe routes making visiting Mangawhai difficult.

“People had enough to contend with… I usually have 80 to over one hundred on a good art trail day, I received 21 visitors to my studio on Saturday and 43 on the Sunday which I think is great in view of the circumstances.”

She says the 17 people who did manage to get to the Mangawhai Historic Village theatre to watch Moonlit, ‘did so with great enjoyment, sometimes laughter and appreciative comments’ from 'Amazing!', 'You should take this further!', 'So professional!', 'I absolutely love it!'

“The film brought back memories to many of the people involved, in its making as well as an appreciation and awareness of how a community of all ages can bond as it created the bush items together that would change the Mangawhai Artists Gallery into a dark and magical native bush resounding with bird calls, lit by a huge blue moon,” says Rosina.

“Wayne and I are already thinking of how we can bring Moonlit’s magical art experience back to more of the Mangawhai community in the not-too-distant future. Keep an eye on the Mangawhai Artists website for more information.”

A premiere screening was held prior to the Art Trail on February 22 [postponed from the original date of February 15 due to Cyclone Gabrielle] for invited guests, fellow artists and supporters including previous Kaipara mayor Dr Jason Smith and former Mangawhai councillor Peter Wethey, as well current mayor Craig Jepson, and Rosina and Wayne received a standing ovation after the final credits rolled.

Rosina commented it had ‘been a fascinating journey since 2018’ and thanked everyone for their support and while Wayne admitted he had never been a big fan of installations, the Moonlit project had changed his mind.

“The planning, preparation and the amount of involvement to achieve this magical exhibition is testament to the importance of such projects in our community,” he says. “To quote the CEO of Creative Waikato, ‘research shows that during times of adversity like we’ve had recently with Cyclone Gabrielle, engaging in the arts or any artistic form of expression, improves your quality of life and wellbeing, connecting you to nature and to community’. So Mangawhai Artists, looks like you’re onto something…”

n To view the latest updates and for information on ‘One Moonlit Night, Magical Mangawhai Goes Bush' and other artists and activities, visit mangawhaiartists.co.nz


Bringing the magic of the community art experience ‘One Moonlit Night’ back to Mangawhai in film; creators Rosina Kamphuis and local filmmaker Wayne George with invited guests at the movie’s premiere. PHOTO/JULIA WADE



“The film brought back memories to many of the people involved, in its making as well as an appreciation and awareness of how a community of all ages can bond…”

- Rosina Kamphuis

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