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'It's all about being part of a great community' says Zonta award recipient





13 Mar, 2023


thumbnail 5 MF-Zontarose2 copy-835A dynamic and inspiring local woman who willingly shares her time and energy around multiple community groups from art, to the environment and even wintertime swimming, was honoured recently with a special annual award celebrated around the world.

Woman of many talents, Belinda Vernon, is Zonta Club of Mangawhai’s 2023 Yellow Rose Award recipient and guest of honour at a special dinner on March 7 at the Golf Club.

The Yellow Rose accolade is a global event held by women’s advocacy and human rights organisation Zonta, and is awarded every year around International Women’s Day, March 8, to acknowledge the significance, devotion and efforts of local women within their communities.

After being a long-time holiday-home local since 1990, Belinda moved to Mangawhai in 2001 and immersed herself in a wide range of community groups, including chair of the Advisory Group on the Mangawhai Community Plan, Piroa Brynderwyn volunteer and Weed Action coordinator for Cheviot St and Lincoln St Reserves, Walking Weekend Guide and committee member, trustee for Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust, Mangawhai Artists chair since 2021, and co-organiser of Salps, an open water, all season swimming group in Mangawhai.

Highly-experienced due to a diverse working life, Belinda started out as a qualified accountant, then financial controller and company secretary for a trans-Tasman shipping company, before venturing into the realm of politics, becoming elected National MP for Maungakiekie/One Tree Hill between 1996-1999, as well as serving as the party’s spokesperson for transport, arts, culture and heritage. Post-politics, Belinda held various roles including being a trustee for Motutapu Restoration Trust, director at GNS Science, director and a board member at Maritime NZ, a role that saw her invited to speak at Zonta Mangawhai.

Nominated by Zonta Mangawhai’s secretary Karen Clarke and seconded by member Kay Hurley, Belinda was a perfect candidate for the award due to her widespread involvement in the community Kay says.

“Belinda has exceptional leadership and organisation skills and all tasks are undertaken with reliability, integrity and enthusiasm. She has the respect of everyone in her groups that she works with and she supports others by being encouraging. I highly recommend her for the Yellow Rose Award.”

On being nominated, Belinda says she was ‘a bit lost for words’.

“Thank you very much Zonta for the award, I enjoy everything I do and am involved in, it seems a bit odd to be recognised for that, in reality I am just one of many who do similar things. It’s all about being part of a great community,” she says. “I’d also like to acknowledge and thank the women of Zonta for the work that they do in supporting and empowering women and girls. Their campaign ‘Zonta says no to violence’ is particularly powerful and effective.”

n Interested in finding out more about the wonderful work of Zonta? Check out their website, Zonta International District 16, zonta.org.nz


Zonta Club of Mangawhai have celebrated International Women's Day over the last eleven years by presenting the Yellow Rose Award to a woman who has made a difference in the community. 2023 Yellow Rose Award recipient Belinda Vernon (left) with Zonta Mangawhai secretary Karen Clarke. PHOTO/SUPPLIED


Spreading the Zonta message and promoting the status and empowerment of womankind; Zonta Mangawhai members (from left) Karen Clarke, Helen White, Sheryl Small, Carolyn Miller and Liz Holsted held a stall at the local New World on International Women’s Day March 8, handing out gifts of yellow roses and beautiful bookmarks. PHOTO/SUPPLIED


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