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Exhibition Stroke of Insight



17 Jan, 2022

thumbnail IMG 3811 copy-18thumbnail IMG 3813-165Stroke of Insight, an exhibition by artists Peter and Tatjana Panyoczki at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, is a powerful exploration of how insight can change, guide and influence one’s perspective and interpretation. The exhibition shows works and materials in a new light, from a different angle, with new insights.

Peter Panyoczki is a mixed media artist, working in a hybrid of forms and mediums: painting, sculpture, installation, photography and digital technology. This exhibition shows his work through a new lens.

“Maybe it is a blessing to halt, to pause the stream of consciousness. Maybe it is a grace to fall back into a state of speechlessness, to wonder what we are, and to reconstitute what we took for granted,” reflects Peter Panyoczki on the experience that has influenced this current exhibition. “I was there, for a brief time, I had an angel, my wife Tatjana. I came out of it, was curious to see how it changed my artistic perception…well nothing fundamental.”

But things have changed: “Everyday life, the awareness of the light and the dark, the life around us, the turning world, the pan-human behaviour, all this is more present than before. It is a stroke of insight, indeed,” concludes Peter.

On the exhibition, he comments: “These works are not new, but looking back under this context, the absence of a stroke, they could open up an unknown door, a new angle, as it happened to me, being speechless and wonder. I give it a go.”

Tatjana Panyoczki is well-known for her contemporary jewellery where she experiments with metals and other materials to produce unique and intricate art forms. In this exhibition she explores new insights finding new vision.

“…they come hard and fast, usually unannounced and in various dimensions. Sometimes they puff up in smoke and others linger,” says Tatjana as she sets the scene for what is to follow. “What you do with the insight – is where it gets interesting. Pause, reflect, observe, self-reflect.”

“It has led me down a rabbit hole, an investigation of documenting the patinas and oxidisations of obsolete and discarded metal objects, such as through a fire-destroyed coin collection, found objects and off-cuts from my practice as a contemporary jeweller.”

Commenting on a particular body of work, Tatjana says: “The process of making miniature prints of each piece of metal excited me more than the end result, so I let this path lead the way and take charge, not thinking about the final outcome too much! Through subtle interventions between each print, the process is recorded from the original state to a wearable piece. It’s the getting there, that’s exciting!”

Stroke of Insight is contemplative, uplifting, inspiring and beautiful. Two artists complement and balance each other to produce a stunning exhibition.

n Stroke of Insight runs from 10am to 3pm daily from Friday January 14 to midday on Wednesday January 26. The Mangawhai Artists Gallery is located at 45 Moir St, next to the Library Hall, in Mangawhai Village.


Tatjana Panyoczki amongst her miniature prints. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

A large scale work by Peter Panyoczki. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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