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New group on watch for disaster


September’s recent tsunami scare and the consequential confusion has brought a group of people together to oversee the community’s response the next time Mangawhai faces a potential threat.

Mangawhai Community Response Group (MCRG) was re-formed at a Northland Civil Defence (NCD) public meeting on September 17, where officials from the government organisation explained the impact of, and NCD’s response to, natural disasters and the importance of communities having an action plan.  

Kaipara District Civil Defence Emergency Management Officer, Sharon Douglas, says civil defence has to have a local approach. 

“Community is the key in an emergency situation,” she says. “It is good for locals to know how to respond and who to contact. Every region has different approaches due to the particular geographical differences.”

Douglas says NDC talked to over 60 people at the village markets throughout the morning despite heavy downpours on the day, with more volunteers signing at the meeting.

“We’ve got a good number to kick the group off again,” she says. “Mangawhai now has a cross-section of people from the community willing to take on the role of community civil defence.”

Members of MCRG attended their first planning meeting at Riverside Holiday Park on October 5. Key discussion points included the overall purpose of the group and roles of individual members, setting up Neighbourhood Watch groups to assist when a disaster strikes, and looking at different ways to spread emergency alerts e.g. media, social media, NZTA signage, phone trees.

Identifying potential hazards throughout the area, such as no pedestrian access over Insley street bridge adjacent to the primary school and lobbying for necessary changes, is also an important part of MCRG’s function.

Douglas says the group is not time intensive and will meet occasionally to stay connected as emergency situations do not occur often.

“Locals need to be looking after locals… we all need to know who can do what and under which circumstances,” she says. “We are all in this together.”

n If interested, MCRG’s next Meeting is scheduled for October 31, 1pm at Riverside Holiday Park or contact Northland Civil Defence, www.nrc.govt.nz, 0800 002 004. 

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