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Kiwi forever


kiwi3-397“Kiwi are amazing,” was one of many messages expressed by Mangawhai Beach School pupils in their dazzling display of posters about kiwi. As part of a mufti day held at the school in November to raise money for kiwi care at Marunui Conservation, the children took part in a poster competition.

They were asked: ‘What can we do to take kiwi from endangered to everywhere, because we can’t imagine New Zealand without kiwi?’ They were encouraged to provide factual information and had the option of producing a video. “An extraordinary array of talent was demonstrated by all levels of the school and the content of the artwork showed the time and effort put into it and their understanding of the topic,” said Steve Tonnies of Marunui Conservation.

The response was generated by the pupils having named Aroha, Speckle, Oscar and Fern - four kiwi released at Marunui during 2013 and 2015 - and by the enthusiasm of teacher Jackie Fanning who organised the competition. There were three categories: junior, middle, and senior. The winning posters were displayed in the reception area along with many others and some were in folders. Kiwi of all shapes and sizes were drawn but the messages written on the posters were clear.

Kiwi are endangered, they can’t fly, they need "saving from any animal that eats them", they are at risk from vehicles "when they walk across the road at night", dogs should be "kept on a lead and kiwi aversion trained" and "cats should be kept in at night". Tonnies thanked the pupils, teachers and parents at the prize giving assembly. “The money you’ve collected helps us with predator control and allows kiwi chicks to survive their first crucial year.

kiwi1-198We at Marunui appreciate your ongoing support and are happy to report there have been many successful nests." Before announcing the place-getters and giving out certificates, he commended everyone who had participated. In addition to receiving a certificate, Bella Kortland, first in the Junior section, received a framed photo of kiwi Oscar’s chick. Ruby Judson, who kiwi2-605came first in the middle syndicate, and senior syndicate winners first place winners Minnie Stratton, Khaleah Smith and Sophia Bruton, who produced a video, were invited to name kiwi Tom’s two recently hatched chicks.

Other place-getters included Thea Lee, Callum-Heath Glynn, Bella Allen, Alex Robbins and Brock Johnson. "I loved the message on one poster that said 'Kiwi Forever'. It’s impressive to see how many young people in our community are aware of the significance of kiwi and their need for protection. I’m optimistic for the future and that our kiwi in the Brynderwyns, including chicks Ruby and Koro, named by the children, will survive and flourish,” said Tonnies.

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