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Health - Chi Kung

alice-626Chi Kung (Qigong) uses a variety of standing and walking exercises to encourage the flow of chi or ‘life force’ around the body. The exercises which have their roots in traditional Chinese medicine use soft flowing movements to open joints and clear energetic pathways/meridians.

These simple, repetitive movements along with a focus on your breath help to slow the mind and bring an awareness to its relationship with your body and how it is moving.

The movement begins with gentle swinging, with arms loose by our sides allowing joints to relax and loosen. Then we move through the different areas of the body using a mix of circling motions which encourage ease and flow in the shoulders, hips, ankles, etc. We go on to do simple walks - some relate to animals, others to meridian pathways, and finally we come back into relationship with our midline.

Ancient Chinese wisdom has an appreciation of the interplay of chi in the body in relation to the seasons and the five elements of earth, wood, fire, metal and water. Chi Kung explores these elements through movements and visualisations.

Benefits are wide ranging as shown by testimonials given by the current class. Sue says "it helps with balance and co ordination"; Peter says "it's real good for whole body flexibility and health, and it helps my golf swing!"; Roz says "it helps with balance, gently strengthens the whole body and helps me sleep by meditating and relaxing my mind"; Deb says "it's a gentle but effective workout for the whole body which also gives me a feeling of wellbeing and calm"; Cherry says "it is beneficial mentally and emotionally and the deep breathing and stretching is helping my posture, flexibility and balance."

Chi Kung is beneficial for health and wellbeing, so pop along and try it for yourself!

n Chi Kung classes are currently held in Waipu and Ruakaka. For further information call Alice Grant on 021 024 80569. Alice Grant is a Reflexologist and Craniosacral Therapist based at Waipu Natural Health, 4321325, www.waipunaturalhealth.co.nz

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