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Joint exhibition making Coastal Connections


14 Sept, 2022


thumbnail Lena Nelson and The Queen copy-542Photographer Joel Cayford and ceramicist Lena Nelson have joined forces to present Coastal Connections, the latest exhibition at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery.

Flora, fauna, people and place inspire Joel Cayford’s work. His dramatic images are synonymous with Mangawhai without being cliched. The sea, rocks, estuary, bird life and sea life feature, alongside a collection of last century baches presenting an urban portrait of Mangawhai’s early coastal development.

“These properties exemplify what many residents love about Mangawhai,” says Joel. “They are part of its coastal character. Each one of the eight images is from a Nikon 3100 capturing Mangawhai coastal character, rendered with an impressionist texture.”

Using film and digital technologies – including a Samsung phone and a Nikon D3100, working in black and white and colour, and applying a variety of mixing techniques – Joel Cayford produces compelling images that draw in the eye and challenge the brain to ponder how they have been created.

Coastal Connections is Joel’s third exhibition at Mangawhai Artists Gallery.

“After entering the Kaipara Art Awards* in 2019 I was motivated to exhibit at the Gallery. My first exhibition focused on digital corrugated iron Mangawhai surf beach reflections on what lasts and what doesn’t. My second was from digital pictures taken mostly during Covid lockdown months inspired by heritage landscapes.

“This third exhibition builds on my previous work – a mix of black and white, 35mm film and digital images. It features modified prints with painterly impression. Other images are as they come from the camera.”

Lena Nelson’s work is inspired by the natural environment with her ‘outdoor necklaces’ not only beautiful but also powerful pieces of art.

Lena has always been creative and fascinated by design and form. From designing gardens, knitting, furniture painting, experimenting with different paint finishes, jewellery-making and upholstery – she began working with ceramics four years ago. It is now her passion.

“I find working with ceramics incredibly challenging and rewarding – every time I open the kiln it is exciting – and there is so much to learn. I like to use what I can find. I enjoy collecting stones, shells and rocks from beaches. I am self-taught and prefer straight lines, natural materials, blond colours – and I love white flowers!”

Lena’s artworks are made to withstand the harsh elements of the New Zealand environment – they are perfect for outdoor and garden settings, as well as indoor.

n Coastal Connections is open from 10am to 3pm each day until midday on Wednesday September 28 at Mangawhai Artists Gallery 45 Moir St.

*Entries for the 2022 Kaipara Art Awards are now open – details can be found at mangawhaiartists.co.nz


Joel Cayford and his Mangawhai Coastal Character series. PHOTO/SUPPLIED


Lena Nelson and ‘The Queen’, one of her outdoor necklaces. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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