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Mayors Memo

19 Sept, 2022

jasonKia Ora,

The long shadow of debt for Kaipara District Council has been a defining characteristic of the last decade. As at 30 June 2012 Council had internal loans of $83.4 million with the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme component of that internal debt at $58.5 million. Now Council has $44 million in external debt as at 30 June 2022. That debt is not specifically linked to any one project as council also “borrows” internally from the reserves fund to loan funded works. As at 30 June 2022 our total internal debt was $53.3 million of which $38.9 million relates to the MCWWS. Together all the ratepayers and people of Kaipara have come a long way in the last decade, and I salute everyone for the huge efforts made, costs paid and foundations laid for the future.

The shadow of that debt has restricted Council from doing what other Councils do as a matter of course, has put austerity and belt-tightening firmly on the council agenda and brought sensitivity and focus to the work of the elected members intent on keeping Council decisions safe and “the good ship Kaipara away from the rocks”. But from adversity of this debt position comes opportunity. As Sir Ernest Rutherford famously said, ‘We haven’t got the money so we’ve got to think’. That’s exactly the approach that’s been taken with Kaipara District Council.

The Kaipara District Council I’ve had the privilege to lead has worked harder and smarter than most Councils ever have to do to move on from the financial challenges while also delivering services to the community. We’ve made a Spatial Plan capturing growth forecasts for the next 30 years, and have a complete review of the District Plan underway. We’re building shared path cycleways, setting up a Kaipara Harbour wharf network to re-energise a water transport highway and are looking to acquire land so a future Council can make a new sportsfield park in Mangawhai. We’ve been delivering projects, managing the debt well and balancing all this while building trust of Council in the eyes of the community and other stakeholders including government. We’ve been doing what the Kaipara District Council of this recent period has needed to do.

I’m happy with our progress to meeting the promise of abundant wellbeing for Kaipara District that’s in the ‘Kaipara Te Oranganui’ brand for this special place. Together we’re making it. Awesome.

Go well
Nga mihi

Mayor Jake
Dr Jason Smith, Mayor of Kaipara District

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