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Ag Day: Whats it all about?


agday-797Mangawhai Beach School Agricultural & Gala Day is held on the Saturday of Labour Weekend each year 9am-1pm. This is the school’s major fundraiser.

The event has been running for over 10 years and continues to be a calendar favourite with local families and holidaymakers who look forward to the annual event.

Labour Weekend is a busy one with Mangawhai swelling with holidaymakers in the lead up to summer. Around 2000 people attend the annual event.

The Gala section means fun rides, stalls, quick fire raffles, cake decorating competitions, yummy food and entertainment, petting zoo. The morning section showcases agricultural traditions with children raising lambs and chickens to parade on the day. Animals are judged on the day with ribbons and prizes given out to the best of the best.

Fundraising committee Friends of Mangawhai Beach School (FOMBS) are a committed group of volunteer parents who dedicate their time to fundraising for the school, organising and liaising with the school and local community to make Ag Day successful.

 Are you a great organiser? Have an artistic streak? Able to source goods and prizes? Love baking and cooking? Love animals and or gardening? There are lots of ways you and your family can be involved on the day and leading up to the event. Register your interest with the school office and then speak to a FOMBS member to see where you are able to help out.

Families of the school are asked to contribute lolly bags, a cake, and donations of good quality items for stalls.

Leading up to the event teachers also organise fun activities for the kids, such as plant growing competitions, vege animal displays, grass heads, art sculptures and art work auctions. 

Money raised on Ag Day has been used for a variety of things over the years such as supporting teacher aides, new classrooms, playground equipment, gazebos, tiger turf, shade sails, and class resources. As Mangawhai Beach School continues to grow, funding will remain an important ongoing focus. 

 Want to help out? Helpers are always needed. Contact fombs@mangawhaibeach.school.nz
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