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OBITUARY : Fran Gouge - Colourful character exits stage left

BEHIND THE SCENES: Fran Gouge moved from a busy life in Auckland to a busy life in Mangawhai just five years ago.

If some of those who attended the recent farewell to Fran Gouge were a little perplexed by the colour and style of her burial suit and accompanying music, then they should be aware that it was all Fran’s planning. The irreverent outfit and quirky Irish music was typically Fran who, faced with her inevitable demise, had set about planning her own departure, just the way she wanted it.

From a career in IT with major companies IBM and NEC – including a 5 year stint living and working in Europe – Fran later became PA to the manager of Auckland’s Kristin School. Later she moved sideways to become wardrobe mistress, a post she relished and held for ten years. 

The school was involved with some very large stage productions and Fran was in her element designing and outfitting a variety of troupes working also with other schools, including North Shore and Torbay theatre companies. At one point she also designed and sewed wedding dresses.

She was also an advocate for the Refugee and Migrant Service, hosting and assisting the repatriation of, among others, a Burmese family who also attended her funeral – a mark of the esteem to which she was held.

With husband Phil seeking ‘retirement’, and to leave the hubbub of the city for a more sedentary life (though not really knowing how that would evolve) a one-day visit to Mangawhai virtually sealed their fate .

The move to Mangawhai five years ago slowed Fran’s busy life considerably but by attending a show put on by the Otamatea Reportory Theatre she again stepped into an area she knew and loved and took up a familiar role in being one of the unsung heroes of local performing arts groups.

Finding that a small country town was anything but boring Fran was to make contact with Liz Holsted and became a founding member of the Mangawhai Zonta chapter, playing a major role in sewing and 

knitting soft toys for needy children, an activity she was able to 

continue almost right up  to her passing.

Fran’s life took a dramatic turn with the diagnosis of motor neurone disease a little over two years ago.  Though she and Phil were well aware of the inevitable downward slope they were on, they sought to maintain their day-to-day routine as Fran continued as long as possible the activities she had long held, and simply adjusted, albeit unwillingly, as the disease progressed.

In five short years she made a considerable contribution to several activities which are the life blood of small communities. Her willingness to be involved, her talents and her sense of humour will long be remembered by those who were privileged to enjoyed her company.

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