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KSA Sports Briefs

Many thanks to Barbara Thomas and her team at the squash club for their efforts sprucing up the squash courts and changing rooms. The wooden court balustrades will be replaced with glass balustrades – this will improve viewing of matches. 
Martial Arts
Our Martial Arts instructor, Craig Bennetts, is holding a final training session on Saturday December 15 at 9am at the gymnasium and will also be holding self defence courses throughout January – dates to be confirmed. To register your interest, please phone Craig on 431 5170 or email otamatea.kempo@slingshot.co.nz.
Otamatea Gymnastics has finished up their busy year with their prizegiving on Tuesday December 4 in the gymnasium with the children demonstrating their skills. With nearly 100 children on the books, running the gymnastics club is a huge job, so thank you very much to Stephanie Brown, her family members and coaches.
Many thanks to Mirna Manuell and her team for running another successful season of senior netball, culminating in their top team taking out the Premier Grade. You can read Mirna's end of year report in this edition of the Mangawhai Focus.
The athletics club caters for pre-schoolers upwards and runs on Monday evenings from 5pm to approximately 6.30pm at Maungaturoto. The club offers training in long jump, running, high jump, discus, hurdles, javelin etc. If you have a child who may be interested in joining athletics, please phone Eileen Parsons on 431 8055.
We will again hold our annual Otamatea Tennis Tournament over Anniversary Weekend in January. Local participation is encouraged! So dust off that tennis raquet and get in some practice! For tournament enquiries please phone Briar Jaques on 431 2377.
Rugby reunion
The Otamatea Rugby Club will be holding a reunion in April next year at our Sports Complex to celebrate their 25th anniversary. As you might imagine, coming up with 25 years worth of names is a big job! We are currently working off team photos, but we have a big gap. If you have any team photos or anything that lists players names, particularly in the years 1993 to 2001, I would love to hear from you. Please give me a call on 431 2051.
Top of the Rock
Our multi-sport event, Top of the Rock, will be held on Sunday February 10. Routes are based around Baldrock Mountain and the scenic countryside surrounding the two nearby lakes. Options include a 3, 5 or 10km walk or run, a 10km cross country run & 15km mountain bike ride, and new this year, a 30km mountain bike only route. For more details visit our website www.kaiwakasports.co.nz. 
Thank you to everyone who came to our AGM last week – a good turnout. Wayne Leslie stepped down as Secretary of the KSA after 25 years of service – thanks Pongo! Positions of office are: Patron Brian Jaques; President Evan Wright; Vice-President Mark Ottaway; Treasurer Paula Jaques; Secretary Cheryl Anderson.
KSA grounds
The planting on the embankment below the gymnasium has now been completed. We have removed several trees from the opposite embankment to increase the number of parking spaces. Felled wood is available for free – just help yourself.
If you are looking for somewhere to hold your work or family Christmas function, we have very reasonable hireage rates at the Sports Complex. We offer a quality venue complete with kitchen, bar, deck, a spacious lounge with dance floor and plenty of parking and we can even take care of your catering. To make a booking give me a call on 4312 051.
Cheryl Anderson, Kaiwaka Sports Assoc. manager, 431 2051
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