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Natural Way - Daffodils and deception

The natural health medicine bill is due out now and from all reports it is just a copy of the despised Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulations, designed to dumb down and lessen the public choices in health care. 

The pharmaceutical industry is said to be losing something like 35% of the public health dollar which is going to natural health remedies instead, and this hurts them! That’s what all this never-ending bureaucratic deep-seated rancour is all about.

Many politicians and most bureaucrats are not interested in natural health issues. They only want power and to keep that power they need dumbed-down people, so 'truth' is not a word they understand. We live in a world where every institution from primary school up is imbibed in placation, un-realty and lies so people don't cause friction and up-rise. How often do we hear medical experts say that modern medicine has increased the life-expectancy? What about the quality of life after their chemicals, radiation and surgery practices? 

Modern medicine is the savior of mankind? Hogwash and dream on! The truth is very different. Our longevity is due to more creature comforts, warmer homes, less work-place accidents and better domestic hygiene, not bleeding injected chemicals! 

There is far less stress in our lives compared to war-torn days of WWI and WWII, the great depression of the ‘30s and the general uncleanliness and poorness of the two centuries before. Today we have good drinking water, the very best of foods and variety, plus there is a general pausity of local war and famine in many civilized countries today. 

Modern pharmaceutical medicine contrarily has a detrimental effect on public health, and we are shocked to read up to date official reports that orthodox medicine is in fact the third leading cause of preventable death in the civilized world, including Australasia. I've spoken with many learned professors and authors of medicine about this diabolical situation. Most believe that if all doctors and their chemical drugs and intrusive methods were to disappear tomorrow, the health of the nation would improve dramatically the very next day! 

Hospital is one of the most dangerous places to be in, and always has been. Preventable medical errors and mishaps account for a frightening third leading cause of death behind heart disease and cancer, whilst deaths from natural medicines accounted for a mere 0.05% or near to zero of the medical-care death ratio according to government base figures of 1998. These figures are taken directly from government files. 

On a more positive note, did you know that real cancer cures have always existed? As an ex-cancer inflicted person I naturally have an active interest in this subject which is of great concern to everyone these days. Who doesn’t know of someone who has recently died of cancer? 

My interests are mainly in causative factors. Why, suddenly, are we seeing such a massive increase in cancer today?  We only hear the ongoing street-bleat from the Cancer Society for more public money to feed an industry that needs cancer to keep the coffers swollen. It is a laugh that the beautiful plant they have chosen as their money-making emblem is, if only they knew it, a cancerous tumor remedy! 

Good luck, 


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