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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Social media websites – are they safe?

The question I often get asked is “Are social media websites like Facebook safe?” My answer is no, they are not!

So, why are these types of websites not safe? Many people who use Facebook don’t block the public from seeing their page and there are people who will use the information against you. 

Another area to be aware of is viruses, and although websites like Facebook take reasonable care to stop a virus infecting their site, it doesn’t always happen.

Many of these types of websites have age restrictions. However, I know many of my daughter’s friends who have Facebook accounts and have lied to get them, including my daughter. We have cancelled her account.

So what does it matter if a 9-year-old has a Facebook account? Well, it is simple. They share their profile for all to see and often post personal information that can be used by adults that prey on children, or they can be bullied by their peers.

As parents and guardians of children and teenagers, we have a responsibility to be aware of what is happening on these types of websites. If you are not sure whether your child has a social networking account, then Google their name and see what comes up – you may be surprised!

Remember, be very careful when using any social networking website and use good antivirus and content security software such as eScan Internet Security Suite for the best protection.

If you would like more information on this subject, call Richard at Computers Plus Ltd, 431 3010 or call in for a chat at Shop 13, 7 Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads. Email info@computersplus.net.nz



Parent tips for middle school kids

  • Facebook won't let kids have sites if they are under 13. That said, kids simply lie about their age. Assume your child has an account and go looking.
  • Tell your kids to think before they post. Remind them that everything can be seen by a vast, invisible audience
  • Make sure children set their privacy settings. Take the time to learn how privacy settings work on your kids' favorite sites, and teach your kids how to control their privacy.
  • Kindness counts. Rule of thumb: If your children wouldn't say it to someone's face, they shouldn't post it.
  • Go online. If you don't have one already, get an account for yourself. See what kids can and can't do.
Parent tips for high school children
  • Talk about the nature of their digital world. Ask your teens to think about who might see their pages and how they might interpret the posts or photos.
  • Set some rules for what is and isn't appropriate for your kids to communicate, play, and post online. Posts with photos or comments could come back to haunt them.
  • Let them know that anything they create or communicate can be cut, altered, pasted, and sent around. If they wouldn't put something on the wall of the school hallway, they shouldn't post it online.
  • Don't post your location. Social networks allow kids to post their location, but it's just not safe for teens to do this.
  • Watch the clock. Social network sites can be real time suckers. 
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