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Did You Know?

Summer season coming
Labour weekend signals the start of the summer season in our community, with many working overtime in order to ‘have the job done’ in readiness.
Icecream by Emily, in Bennetts’ market square, opens on Friday, and at Fresh, Mark has had to stop talking and work extremely hard to open their new takeaway venture. Coffee to take with you, along with deliciously healthy food ideal for those on the go.
Further along Molesworth Drive, the Westmoreland showhome will be open for viewing, and for walkers, the Tanekaka track off King Road will be officially opened on Saturday.
Ag Day approaching
The BIG event not to be missed is the Mangawhai Beach School Agriculture and Gala Day which gets underway at 9am on Saturday October 20. Calves, lambs, and pets will be paraded, followed by all the fun of the fair – stalls, games, auctions, entertainment, pony rides, cakes and produce of course, so make sure you take plenty of cash!
On the Art Trail
Art Trail signs seen about the place are a work of art in themselves! To see more of what our talented artists are doing, pick up an Art Trail map from the Info centre or Smashed Pipi (just ask anywhere really!) and head out to the well-marked studios and exhibition centres over Saturday and Sunday October 20-21, Labour Weekend. What’s more, it’s free.
Fundraisers fired up
Fire-Up Fundraiser events: Quiz ‘n’ Fun Night at the Golf Club on Saturday night October 20. The Active Fireman’s All Weather Run, plus the ‘Trip a trail’ with a dog pal or human friend takes place on Sunday October 21, with all funds raised going directly to the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade. Tickets can be purchased from Bammas and First National Real Estate in the Village, or Placemakers and the Golf Shop.
A bite and a bid
If you don’t manage to catch a fish during the TimberWorld Mangawhai Fishing Competition on Saturday and Sunday of Labour Weekend, you can always bid at the auction, around 6pm each day. Tickets for the competition are $30 open, $5 children, available from Mangawhai Fishing and Tackle, Wood St, and opposite at Mangawhai Service Centre.
Market season again
No chance of being bored as the first of the season Beach & Country Market opens at the Domain on Sunday October 21. These markets attract large crowds with plenty of parking on the Domain, so no worries there. Not too late to book a space either, just call Sue 0274 586 144. Markets are on again November 4, 11, and 25.
What to do?
And if you have never been along the Clifftop walkway, perhaps Labour Weekend is the time to actually do it. Magnificent views. But there is also the Air Vanuatu Mixed Open golf tournament on the Sunday…
Do you have an iPad? 
While some consider them to be intuitive, easy to use, easy to learn, sometimes we need a little help! SeniorNet are having a session where you can compare notes and solve problems with others. It’s this Friday, October 19 at the Learning Centre in Kaiwaka (opposite the Cheese Shop) 10.30am-12.30pm. Phone Tony now to register 431 2269. $10 members, $15 non members.
Did you know?
Mangawhai Tavern has the biggest screen north of Auckland? Excellent venue for watching live sports events.
Get rambling
Ticket price for the 2012 Planet Palmers Garden Ramble Nov 10/11 is $20 after this weekend, so make sure you get your $15 early bird ticket from Naja or Mangawhai Books & Gifts. This annual event is a major fundraising activity which just gets better and better each year!
Zonta awards
Zonta’s Happy Families trivial pursuit night made in excess of $1100 for the purchase of a shade sail in the Fagan Place playground. And Hayley Aldworth is this year’s recipient of Zonta’s Spirit of Adventure Award.
Bird report from Sioux
A young white-faced heron has been seen in the large tree in the Village; seems that pair have produced a chick again. Arctic waders, ie. godwits and knots, are back in town, and NZ fairy terns should be becoming more obvious as they get serious about their breeding season. Caspian terns are in their best outfits in an effort to impress a partner! NZ dotterel are nesting, so PLEASE be aware of their behaviour and move away if they are upset.
Rugs just magic!
A special treat this Labour Weekend will be the exhibition of Turkish rugs in the conference room at Milestone Cottages, Moir Point Road. Whangarei-based Orhan Saroz has just taken delivery of a shipment of rugs selected when on his latest buying visit to his homeland of Turkey, and will have a large selection available for purchase from 10am-4pm on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Beautiful rugs to last a lifetime…

- A notice on the museum door which reads: ‘No animals have been injured in the construction of this building, nor have any monies from Kaipara District Council been used. What you see is the result of generous financial and practical support from our local community and businesses, as well as major donors.’
- Personalised plate: U4RIC. 
- Repairs to the exterior of St John Opportunity Shop in the Village; next task is painting. Plans for the new ambulance station are on display inside the shop.

First time showing for movie
The first public showing of one of the restored films from the ill-fated Antarctic expedition led by Scott 100 years ago will be a very special event here in Mangawhai – Saturday November 3, 8pm, at the new museum on Molesworth Drive, with ticket sales ($10) at the door. The 90 minute film, from official photographer Herbert Ponting (the first to use a ‘movie’ camera in Antarctica) captures much of the grandeur of the area, and includes pictures of the Cape Evan Hut and members of the polar team who headed to the pole. Herbert Ponting died in 1935, and his great-neice Jean Nicholls, has generously made this film available to the Mangawhai Historical Society. Make a diary entry now. (See expanded article next page.)
News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts on 431 4711, or email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.
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