Zonta supports new MumsDenise Meiklejohn (pictured) of Homebuilders in Maungaturoto receives baby packs for new Mums donated by the Zonta Club of Mangawhai. These include a handmade quilt, nappies, new baby clothing and bedding, a soft toy, and Mums also receive a pack of feminine toiletries.
Zonta is a global organization of business and professional people, mainly women, who volunteer their time, talents and energy to local and international service projects designed to advance the status of women.
The Zonta Club of Mangawhai supports, among others, an annual award for a local teenager on the Spirit of Adventure, Women’s Refuge, Warkworth Midwives, Plunket, cancer support, White Ribbon Day, and specific projects for women in a number of countries such as Rwanda, Liberia, Guatemala and Samoa.
Mangawhai Zonta are accepting new members. If you are interested please contact Sue Poynter on 0275 556 636 or Email