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12 Tonnes of Cash Helps Kiwi Kids

According to The Reserve Bank there is $116 Million dollars in change and old bank notes still out there.

A unique and unusual Lions Clubs New Zealand project that takes unwanted currency and turns it into life changing experiences for Kiwi Kids will be celebrating its second birthday this month. 

For the past two years Lions Clubs across New Zealand, with the support of Resene paints, New World and Fastway Couriers, have collected more than 12 tonnes of old money and foreign currency as part of the Heads Up for Kids campaign. 

The magic of this collection has turned the old New Zealand cash and foreign currency in something very valuable; funding for education programmes such as Spirit of Adventure, Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre and Outward Bound. 

Dozens of young New Zealanders from all corners of the country have benefited from the funds raised. 

Simon Hayes, Queenstown Lion and Heads Up for Kids founder believes that youth are our most precious asset and we need to support them. 

 “It’s important our young people are recognised and given opportunities that boost their confidence and provide a springboard for them to grow into great New Zealanders of the future,” Said Mr Hayes. 

The 2.3 million coins that have been dug out of gardens, found down the back of chairs and stashed away from holidays passed have been donated to the Lions Clubs project and are adding up to a significant amount. In fact, Lions Clubs have collected, sorted and counted more than $320,000 in unwanted currency since the campaign launched on July 10, 2010. 

With the help of Resene paints and New World supermarkets, the money has been collected and the hefty donations transported by Fastway Couriers to various destinations, such as the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, where it is redeemed for legal tender. 

Local collection points are: Molesworth 4 Square, The Village 4 Square in Mangawhai, also Waipu Pharmacy, and Waipu 4 Square for Waipu and the WestPac Bank in Ruakaka or call 0800 Old Money for a Lions Club member to collect. 




The currency breakdown

To date Heads Up for Kids has collected over 12 tonnes of coins and thousands of old NZ and foreign bank notes.

4.5 tonne of old New Zealand currency including 424,000 x 5 cent pieces; 199,000 x 10 cent pieces; 117,500 x 20 cent pieces; 76,600 x 50 cent pieces; 29,000 x 3d; 3,400 x 2/6d. 

2.5 tonne of copper coins (have been sold and recycled for copper)

5.5 tonne of foreign coins (have been redeemed for legal tender)

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