
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did You Know?

Festival of music at museum
On Friday and Saturday night, you may well see the wings of the stingray museum roof flap gently with pleasure! Mangawhai Singers will be presenting a Spring Song Festival concert and judging by the enthusiasm at the dress rehearsal, it will indeed be a night of joy. The programme includes work from Brahms to Andrew Lloyd Webber with a lot of fun and entertainment in between. That’s Friday September 21 and Saturday September 22, 7.30pm at the new museum. Tickets are available at Village GAS and Mangawhai Heads Bookshop for $20 which includes a glass of wine. All proceeds to the museum funds. Not to be missed!
Get into gardening
Spring is keeping volunteers at the Community Gardens busy too. Every Friday morning, from 8.30am, volunteers are welcome to come along to the site behind Rose Madsen Cottage at the Domain, in the village. Put in some time, and take home some vegetables for your effort, before the rest are distributed through Rodney Health. It’s beautiful soil so digging is relatively easy, and there’s compost working away, worm farm, extensive variety of veges and herbs, and of course, you learn so much on the job. Anyone turning up is made most welcome – you even get morning tea! And if you want more info, just phone Ted or Joan on 431 5924. 
Test your knowledge
Trivial Pursuit fans will be thrilled to know there is another ‘biggie’ coming up on Thursday September 27, from 6.30pm at the Club. The Zonta Club of Mangawhai has a Happy Families theme going as they raise funds for a proposed shade sail at the Fagan Place playground, so if you dress up as your favourite family you pick up an extra prize or two. Bring your own nibbles. Teams of six, $10 per person, and as tickets (space) is limited, book early by phoning Jude on 431 2765. Always fun, plus it is for a good cause.
Support school ag day
Ag Day 2012 at Mangawhai Beach school is on Labour Saturday October 20, and you are invited. This is a wonderful family event, with all the animals of course, plus games, merry-go-round, pony rides, horizontal bungy, stalls, food, and all the fun of the fair. How about having a bit of a clean-out and donate some goodies for the bric-a-brac stall? You can drop them off at the school office. And if you would like an opportunity to advertise your business on the day, give Aaron Kemp (Principal) a call at school. 
Did you know…
Mary Madden is now a fully certified Pilates instructor? Mary, of Love 2 Dance fame locally, passed her exams just two weeks ago, and is full of enthusiasm. Currently, there are adult Pilates classes in Mangawhai so you should be able to find one at a time to suit you. Give Mary a call on 431 4351.
Local lad to marry
Remember Trent Sutton, who was a top young local cricketer? Son of Lou and Gavin, Trent is now 29, has completed his electrical apprenticeship and is living and working in Taranaki, where he also plays representative rugby. Trent is getting married in November, and with loads of young friends here in Mangawhai, there is likely to be a busload of supporters attending the wedding.
Singer finding her voice
Singer songwriter Emma Caiman has just released her latest work on YouTube, and a must to tune in to and watch. Seen most Saturday mornings at the Village Market promoting their Rush Coffee, Hayden and Emma are so pleased that now their children are independent the business is giving Emma time to pursue her talents. And talents abound. Emma was earlier contracted to EMI (UK) and recorded at Abbey Road studios.
Just search for Emma Caiman Dark is the Pathway to Love on YouTube to see the video. 
Did you know… 
Kaipara District Council is having a clampdown on roadside advertising this month? The aim is to prevent driver distraction, according to monitoring and compliance officer George Lewis. Many believe it is also visual pollution, and Mangawhai in particular, could be said to be heavily polluted!
Striking signs!
And on the subject of signs, we heard of a visitor to the area who thought ‘Another striking Mangawhai property’ signs were part of advertising to sell the property. An intended pun perhaps?
SeniorNet presentation 
Do you have an Apple iPad or similar tablet device? Are you thinking of getting one? If so, come along to the SeniorNet presentation by Steve Green entitled Meet My Dad and learn more about why iPads have captured the imagination of older people as well as the young. Friday, September 2, from 2-4pm, at The Club on Molesworth Drive. All welcome, no need to register. Entry is $5, and includes afternoon tea.
Hospice raising profile
A lot of speculation and rumour about a Hospice Shop starting up in Mangawhai. Local spokesperson Glenis Mackintosh says that management (North Haven Hospice, Whangarei) is looking at the possibly of such an operation and is currently assessing the feasibility. Volunteers are still hoping to have a monster garage sale over the summer holiday period and are still looking for volunteers in the Kaiwaka-Mangawhai area to help staff, sort donations, and also care-giving hospice volunteers. If you can help in any way, please contact Glenis on 431 2509.
Mangawhai Park ideas needed 
How do we make the best use of this great piece of land? Saturday September 29, from 10am-3pm, at the Club on Molesworth Drive, you can have a look at what the steering committee has come up with, plus add your own ideas and voice an opinion. There is some urgency to finalising a site for the new St John Ambulance Station as if regional funds are not used soon, they will be directed elsewhere. Have your say.
What’s on?
Sunday September 30 is the last Junk and Disorderly afternoon in the Village Hall. Book a stall by phoning Joy Marshall 431 5137.
Start planning your Labour Weekend wish list of things to attend… Fire Brigade’s Fire-Up events, Beach and Country market, Art Trail, AG day at school, and heaps more.
Rare glimpse of pelican in estuary
Alan and Doreen Pygott of Mangawhai sent in this photograph of a pelican they spotted in the Mangawhai estuary. It was hassled by seagulls and did not stay for long. A pelican was also seen at Ruakaka but we’ve been unable to verify it is the same bird.
Meanwhile, adds Sioux our bird reporter, two bitterns have been seen foraging on the edge of the mangroves on the south-west end of the causeway, and duckling babies have been spotted in the ponds at The Anchorage. For bird sightings, contact Sioux on 431 4110 or email siouxp@gmail.com.

News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts on 431 4711, or email 
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