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ED SAID -Spring aptly named

Of course it really happens gradually but we get almost used to short dingy days with only the odd respite by way of a few hours of watery sunshine and although the shortest day was actually three months ago suddenly, it seems, we’re in Spring. It literally springs upon us. 

Mornings suddenly appear lighter earlier, which means the return of  some optimistic birdsongs, but evenings are noticibly longer leading to considerably more post 5pm activity. 

Yes, it’s still blustery, wet and fine in turn but these are typical equinoxial signs which mark the change of seasons, this being one of rebirth, renewal and regrowth though the specific definition and exact timing of "spring" varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. 

Add to this the appearance of the bright bobbing heads of daffodils, the immature soft green tinge of new flora and the unmistakeable drone which is the mating call of the rotary mower. 

Suddenly there are a lot more bare arms around town. Still plenty of goosebumps but a quiet determination to  shrug off those layers of winter woollies and the acceptance that summer is, indeed, on the way. It’s a whole life-changing experience though it happens on an annual basis. It’s definitely psychological and a state of mind almost impossible to deny.

With the aforesaid regrowth comes another round of fertilising, mulching and planting, closely attended by ag days, flower shows, garden rambles, gala and market days which, rather than opportunities to snatch a quick bargain, become more relaxed coffee meetings and social events. In their own way they’re good for the soul – smiling faces and the sound of laughter are a dead giveaway!

We seldom forget that rates need to be paid, groceries need to be bought, the car needs two new tyres and there’ll be school uniforms to cope with in the new year but for now it’s Spring and the barbecue needs some attention. As Ogden Nash (or not) wrote:

Spring is sprung, the grass is ris.
I wonders where the birdies is. 
The little birds is on the wing. 
But that’s absurd 
Because the wing is on the bird.
Rob & the team. 
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