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Letters to the Editor

Stop greedy developer

While all eyes are on the change over to commissioners and the rates strike in the Kaipara, there is another tsunami approaching our rural settlement Mangawhai. 

The days you look over to the Brynderwyns expecting to see an expanse of beautiful established bush could be over very soon if the greedy developer gets his way to carve out twenty blocks. 

If you care about this please come to the Mangawhai Club on September 18 and 19 and if, even better, you have made a submisson against the plans, please let the council know that you will speak at the hearing. I am very happy to help you write a small speech or you could have somebody else represent you. 

Martina Tschirky


Stay strong

Yesterday we observed the demise of the inept and incompetent Kaipara District Council.


The Minister of Local Government Carter and local MP Sabin have known for two years that the KDC has acted illegally and incompetently. Both failed to do anything until late June 2012.

The minister appointed a Review Committee without legal status who rammed through a further illegal Long Term Plan and have sent you a rate demand illegally. I suggest to our community we continue to not pay rates as the Kaipara District Council holds at least $19 million of rates illegally collected.

The minister has failed to grasp the opportunity to appoint any suitably qualified community members as commissioners as there are several well skilled people within our community. Why should we have confidence in the four selected? We should not as they have no understanding of the harm done to our community.

At a recent meeting in Mangawhai where Mr Gent spoke I addressed the meeting and advised Mr Gent on a roadmap to recovery in our community. All I have had from Sabin is aggressive rejection. So to our community I say stay strong and cohesive to save our future.

Graham Mackenzie


Commission powerless

In your refreshingly balanced editorial (Mangawhai Focus page 2, August 23) you made the point that all ratepayer groups had been calling for the removal of the council. I would like to clarify something here. The MRRA has not at any time called for the removal of the council. It has been no less certain than anyone else that the council is one of the worst ever to have been elected in the history of local government, but its removal was, in our view, only appropriate when we knew what was going to replace it. It has gone and we still have no clear idea what is coming in its place. It could have been sacked and fresh elections held. 

We could have lived with that, but a fresh council would have been as powerless to act as the current one, because the problems cannot be dealt with by the normal processes of democracy. The commission idea that has suddenly jumped into the heat-oppressed brain of the minister, soon to be rammed down our throats, is just as powerless as the council, because it is obliged (we hope!) to comply with the same laws (Local Government Act). We have been saying for a very long time now that unless the actual real problems are dealt with everything else is futile, or worse, and the actual real problem of greatest severity is that an amount of money has been borrowed that the community cannot repay (even if it wanted to). 

The problem is not complicated, but the solutions are, and they are unpalatable to the politicians and the banks. Separate questions arise as to what we have to show for this huge amount of borrowing, and the answer, of course, is nothing or we would be able to sell something to defray the debt. The minister has acted unlawfully in doing what he has done and he has even said that he is acting as though the changes to the law that are now before the house are already the law of the land. 


Bruce Rogan


Titch a genius

I write to ask you to acknowledge the passing of Roger Titch Gayford.

Roger, known to everyone as Titch, was a local man with Mangawhai’s interests at heart.

When I was the chairman of the Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society 2004 to 2009 Titch was a tower of strength for me.

When the society had successfully lead the campaign to stop the sand mining of our harbour it was essential to prove that the Society was a substantial community group for the improvement of our Magical Mangawhai.

When I approached Titch and asked him to assist the MHRS to design and build a purpose-built dredge for the society he immediately set to work enthusiastically preparing complete working drawings of the Spirit of Mangawhai so that we could tender for construction.

His drawings were outstanding and we were able to sign a contract with McRaes Engineering Whangarei, who completed the construction under Titch’s very competent project management. 

A brilliant marine engineer, Titch spent many years in Japan where his skills were recognised in a country where several marina projects had failed that he helped rebuild.

Whilst living in Japan Titch met and married his lovely wife Kyoko. They have two beautiful children who attend Mangawhai Beach School.

Titch, I and the Mangawhai Community salute you, a genius, taken at the young age of 57 years. Kyoko, we all send our love to you at this time of deep sadness.


Graham Mackenzie


The way ahead

My appreciation of the Kaipara District Council situation is:

The Review Team’s report vindicates the long standing contention of Clive Boonham, myself and others that (a) Council’s condition was so bad that the elected Mayor and Council had to be replaced as a matter of extreme urgency, (b) Audit New Zealand’s actions warrant investigation, (c) Certain past rates are illegal, and past development contributions require investigation as to whether they are also illegal, (d) The method of using consultants has been to the detriment of the District, (e) Community consultation has been very poor.

If, and only if, the commissioners implement the explicit recommendations of the Review Team will some, but not all, of what I and others have been requesting for years be satisfied.

There needs to be a very clear intent for detailed investigation of what I term “illegal debt” and also “recoverable funds” – and that these are NOT the responsibility of ratepayers to fund.

Council is probably insolvent – and even if this is not formally acknowledged by council and central government, they do formally acknowledge that there is a very high risk of insolvency in the short term.

The current rate demand for many within the district, and especially Mangawhai (due 10 September), based on last year’s rates very probably includes illegalities. 

The now adopted LTP, which will form the basis of future rating for 2012 and into 2013, is almost certainly illegal.

Apart from going to court to challenge the legality of the current and future rate instalments (an expensive exercise) the only “power” the general community has is to make it very clear that rates will be withheld until the commissioners confirm that they will very seriously address the community’s concerns – and that any penalties imposed already will be removed.

In summary, the last few weeks have shown mostly very major progress and the opportunity for a new start for Kaipara. I consider we, the community, should show willingness to work with the councillors/commissioners – but only on the basis of mutual respect, respect for the law and not sweeping the past under the carpet.


John Dickie, 
Mangawhai Heads

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