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Long-serving JP honoured



21 Nov, 2022


thumbnail 22 MF-JPRoy1 copy-603In a role that threads back to King Richard ‘the Lionhearts’ ‘keepers of the peace’ in the 12th century, a local man has been recognised for 40 years of service as a modern Justice of the Peace (JP).

Mangawhai’s local JPs threw colleague Roy Faris a surprise celebration at the Village’s ‘Corner Bistro’ on October 29, presenting him with a JP service certificate to honour his four decades in the prestigious voluntary role.

In 1982, a young Roy was surprised to be nominated for a JP by a district court judge, however he went on to serve in the role for 11 years in Dunedin, and Central Otago for a further 14. Involved in the construction and litigation industry his ‘whole life,’ on retiring and closing down his consultancy business, Roy and wife Judy moved to Mangawhai in 2017, where he has continued his JP service.

New Zealand has both ministerial and judicial JPs, serving the community in different roles and unless the JP voluntarily resigns or is dismissed for specific reasons such as misconduct, the role is for life. Ministerial JP duties include witnessing of documents, taking of declarations and swearing of affidavits or assert affirmations. A judicial JP undertakes duties within the District Court including presiding over defended trials, issue of remands and bail, hearing of undefended cases, minor offences and some traffic cases.

To become a JP, nominees must be NZ citizens or residents, with a good command of written and spoken English, be confident computer users and not be bankrupt. Nominees must also declare all criminal convictions and show experience of volunteer work. The process involves interviews and online training and tests. JPs are sworn in by a district court judge once their application is signed off by the Governor General.

As a Rotarian for 40 years, Roy has well-served his various communities as a volunteer, and as a judicial JP has sat on the bench at Alexandra, Dunedin and Queenstown.

“As a ministerial JP there aren’t too many big surprises, but as a judicial JP you never know what might pop up. It has been super-interesting.”


Surprising long-serving JP of 40 years Roy Faris, were (from left) fellow JP’s John Phillis, Mark Farnsworth, Adrian Tracz, Richard Bull, Judy Faris with Roy, Bridget Fallon, Lindsay McCain and Jim Wintle. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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