Friends of Mangawhai Park to push development planMangawhai Park is the area located on Molesworth Drive between Thelma Rd and the Mangawhai Club.
Encompassing an area of 32 hectares it includes the Mangawhai Museum, the proposed Historic Village, the Mangawhai Activity Zone, St John Ambulance Station and numerous walking and cycle tracks through both native and exotic bush. Mangawhai Park now has a governance and administration system in place. The Governance Committee, with four members, has responsibility for the overall plan for the development of the Park. At present the four members are Jim Wintle, Richard Booth, Maurice Langdon and Peter Winder (Chair). The Administration Committee called ‘Friends of Mangawhai Park’ comprises eight representatives from the groups involved in the development of the Park. The Friends of Mangawhai Park are responsible for the implementation of the development plan and for making recommendations to the governance committee. The representatives are: Mangawhai Museum – Roger Hill; Mangawhai Artists Association – Grant Mitchell; Mangawhai Community Trust – Grahame Smith; Historic Village & Architecture/Design – David Wingate; Mangawhai Activity Zone – Lara Iriarte and Warren Stott; Walking Tracks and Signage – Gordon Hosking; Chairman & Representative of the governance Board – Jim Wintle. The Kaipara District Council Advisor to the committee from Kaipara Parks and Reserves is Sue Hodge. The Administration Committee will regularly advise the community of developments and plans for Mangawhai Park. n Please direct any enquiries to Grant Mitchell, 431 4829, 021 732 705, |