
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Your Questions Answered - Another year closes in

Mangawhai’s population is about to explode again, as holiday-makers drop into town. For those who are returning to Mangawhai for the first time in twelve months, they will find much changed.

In just twelve months:

* Significant mangrove removal has opened up the harbour.

* Mangawhai Community Park has developed considerably. The skate park has expanded, and places for beginners to skate are in place. A tennis court has been added, public toilets put in place, and the ambulance station constructed. Footpaths have been added across the road. The museum is now complete with a cafe, and the makings of the historic village are evident with the placement of the old church.

* The camping ground is looking much tidier, and public toilets are in place on Sellars land.

* Wood Street has had roading improvements. There have been changes in ownership of several retail establishments.

* Once sparsely populated subdivisions have been filling up with new houses, and new subdivisions are underway.

Council has facilitated some of these improvements, but community volunteer efforts are responsible for much. Thank you.

Council Office over Christmas and New Year

Council offices in Mangawhai are now well established. If you have any Council related questions, you are welcome to visit. Our offices will close for the Christmas break at midday on 24 December, then open again on Tuesday 5 January.

I will be available to meet with anyone who wishes on 14 January, at the Mangawhai offices. Please call the Council on (09) 439 3123 should you wish to make an appointment, or email me, jrobertson@kaipara.govt.nz.

Recruitment of a Chief Executive

Kaipara District Council has engaged Sheffield’s to recruit a Chief Executive for the Council, with the goal of having the successful candidate in place by 1 July, 2016. Details are available at www.sheffield.co.nz. The Council is currently led by Acting Chief Executive, Dr Jill McPherson, a resident of Mangawhai.

The new Chief Executive will take over a well-functioning Council that supports some 14,000 ratepayers spread from Mangawhai on the east coast to Dargaville on the west. We are seeking an energetic Chief Executive with knowledge of local government and an open, engaging and collaborative style.

Help us decide the future shape of Mangawhai

Council seeks your input by way of a brief 10-minute survey. This will assist Council with strategic direction on policy, planning and spending on infrastructure, parks and facilities in Mangawhai.

Participation is confidential. However each participant who provides a contact email will go into the draw to win one of three $100 restaurant vouchers from a Mangawhai restaurant of your choice.

The survey is open until Monday 11 January 2015. Winners of the restaurant vouchers will be drawn by Friday 15 January.

Further opportunities for the public to have a say will occur as this project develops.

Please take the time this summer to fill it out. Your views are important. You can find the survey directly at www.surveymonkey.com/r/7TX7R7C or follow the link on Council’s website.

Happy holiday season

Take time to relax and explore the Kaipara district. We have some wonderful places and attractions from east to west, including various walking tracks, the Kauri Museum at Matakohe, many Kaipara harbour settlements, Kai Iwi Lakes, the expansive west coast beaches like Baylys, and of course our giant Kauri in the Waipoua Forest.

Council staff and Commissioners wish the best for you as you enjoy the festive season.

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