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Art brightens winter gloom


thumbnail Brightening Winter Farah M 180621-697Brightening Winter, the new exhibition at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, is just what is needed to wipe away the dismal weather of recent weeks.

Three artists – Lois Going, Farah M and Sheryl Jury – come together to brighten the walls of the gallery and share their diverse and varied work, with something for everyone guaranteed. Colour, landscapes, animals, flowers, portraits and ceramics will astound and enthral.

With a diverse background of teaching, and farming, Lois Going is an avid student of art. She explores her own style of art by drawing on her vast exposure to art in the galleries of New Zealand and overseas, and skills gained through classes, workshops and summer schools in Whangarei and Mangawhai.

Farah M grew up in the Caribbean, where she started drawing as a child, and gained further formal art training in high school. She continued painting throughout her first degree in New York City, and her law degree in Sydney. In August 2018, Farah held her first solo art show in Southampton, New York.

Farah is heavily influenced by bright colours and movement, from her Caribbean upbringing and her being a professional belly-dancer.

“For this exhibition I have captured scenes around Mangawhai and Langs Beach in acrylic on canvas, conveying them as I see the world,” says Farah.

Sheryl Jury returns to the gallery after being part of the Frame of Mind exhibition in April. This time she is sharing flower and portrait paintings and some ceramics. Those who missed out on her stunning ceramics at the last exhibition should not hesitate this time round.

“I am now happily pursuing a lifelong love of art that has always been in the background of the demands of a busy career and raising a family,” says Sheryl.

n Brightening Winter is open daily at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, 45 Moir St, Mangawhai from 10am to 3pm until midday Wednesday June 30. Visit mangawhaiartists.co.nz


thumbnail Brightening Winter Lois Going 180621-906thumbnail Brightening Winter Sheryl Jury 180621-867


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