
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Kaiwaka Can: Flat out and full on


June is a full-on month for the Kaiwaka Can team, with two events scheduled to take place over the course of a week. These events are timed perfectly to take place during Matariki and within National Volunteer Week.

First up we talk the walk. On Wednesday June 23 we are shaking off the winter chill and rain, inviting local community groups, teams and businesses to our Mid-Winter Warmer. It is taking place at the Kaiwaka Sports Association from 5.30pm and a huge pot of delicious hot soup and toasty garlic bread courtesy of the amazing Eutopia is on the menu. Or for those with a sweet tooth, it's good old hot chocolate and marshmallows.

The Mid-Winter Warmer is an opportunity for locals to touch base and potentially join forces as we dream up and make meaningful change for Kaiwaka in 2021 and beyond. We will be showcasing the wonderful vision that has led us to where we are today – now with an extra $100,000 in the kitty. It's a chance to get acquainted with how the big picture may look for our little town of lights.

If you'd like to come along, please RSVP your intention to attend to pukepunga@xtra.co.nz. Of course, you’ll still get a warm welcome and riveting conversation if you decide to rock up last minute, but you may have to fight over the garlicy breadcrumbs!

Mucking in
Secondly we walk the talk, literally 'breaking ground' and throwing on our gumboots to muck in for McClean Park on Sunday June 27 at 10am. It’s going to be a big task, so we’re ‘eating this elephant one bite at a time’ as they say, breaking the whole shebang into stages. Compliance boxes have been ticked and niggles cleared for Stage One – riverbank weed clearing. This is the first opportunity to roll up our sleeves and let loose so if you’re able to come and support the transformation we can certainly find a job for you.

The priorities for this kick-off working bee will be cleaning up the rubbish, clearing kikuyu grass from the riverbank, clearing privet and other pest plants and mulching, and trimming.

Any cancellation will be made by 8am and posted to our Facebook page and in the Kaiwaka Community group.

There is an event on Facebook called Muck-In for McClean Park, so you can RSVP any intention to attend there, or flick an email through to pukepunga@xtra.co.nz. We can also add you to our McClean Park Transformation Messenger group so you’re in on the clean-up conversations.

It will be a fun day as we continue to make our little town of lights even better. See you there!

n If you would like to get involved and/or think you have some skills that might help us push a project forward, please get in touch at facebook.com/kaiwakacan/

McClean Park riverbank weed clearing is stage one of the Muck-In. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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