Letter to the EditorLost in translation
Now that the government has put into practice an apartheid state for New Zealand, irrespective of what the tooth fairy may say, I respectfully ask all govern-ment departments and agencies, all media and every New Zealander to decide which language they are go-ing to communicate in. I find it extremely rude and ignorant on the attitude of many who seem to be hell bent on introducing a new language into our society which is essentially a bastardised version of english and maori. Our official languages remain english, maori and sign language. Please let us all be New Zealanders and move forward together. There is a saying that I believe was the Labour Party slogan many years ago: “United we stand divided we fall”. How sad that this has been for-gotten by the current regime and consequently divid-ed the people of this land by having a strong emphasis on separate development based on race and colour.God defend New Zealand. Peter Matheson Maungaturoto |