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New faces at Four Square


four square new owners-158The growth and changes in Mangawhai continue with the recent sale of Molesworth 4 Square on Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads.

An integral part of the community for 23 years under stewardship of the Scott family, the baton has now been passed to Auckland couple Kirk and Sarah Mander.

For many years Robert Scott combined his love of marathon running with running what was initially more a general store than a foodmarket. In the late 90s brother-in-law John Rankin joined the team and more recently he and wife Heather took over managerial duties.

Though many changes have been gradual and hardly noticed, they have, nonetheless, been significant.

As grocery lines expanded, with new products and specialist outlets came along such as Placemakers, hardware lines were reduced. In time basic breakfast milk grew to dozens of different kinds with added-this and added-that, then together with the growth in demand of yoghurts, dips and cheeses more cool space was required.

Basic vegetable lines grew and with demand, a meat section. Wines, spirits and beers required regular assessment of space and alterations to the shop.

Extra outside storage has allowed more stock to be retained on hand, a dire necessity for the holiday and long weekend crowds.

Through all the changes, a loyal staff has remained fairly constant with several fronting the shop for over ten years, an important factor in a small community.

“We now have second generations of women coming to work here,” says Heather who also emphasises the need for knowing your community and your regulars on a fairly personal basis.

The Manders are no strangers to Mangawhai during holidays, but this will be a new ball game for Kirk and Sarah and their three young daughters, the youngest being just six weeks old.

Kirk has previously been employed by food giant Heinz Watties, in charge of a large field sales team, so while he may be new to hands-on retail he has made many large store visits, addressing a wide number of issues that may occur so is fully conversant with the behind-the-scenes operations and management.

“As a young family we see this as a great opportunity,” says Kirk. “It is part of a long-term plan and we intend to work hard on maintaining the present standards of

service, the reputation of the business and the support of local activities that John and Heather have been involved in. We fully recognise the bond that has been created, and with the experienced team still on board we hope the transition will go ahead smoothly.”

Already some new systems are being integrated into the checkout operations which, with a busy Easter weekend may take a little getting used to but with all hands on deck there is unlikely to be much in the way of hold-ups.

“We accept it may be hectic over Easter,” says Kirk,” but a lull after will give us time to get to know the locals and our way around.”

Suffice it to say ‘Welcome Kirk, Sarah and girls’ and we hope your venture proves to be good for you and good for Mangawhai.

CHANGE: New Four Square owner Kirk Mander (right) pictured with Heather and John Rankin.

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