
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



21st November 2016

Police volunteers recognised

Honour and appreciation were recently given to a group of volunteers who supported Mangawhai’s thin blue line for over 15 years.

Police volunteers-733

Ed said - How could this possibly happen??

Are we talking about one single ticket that won Lotto’s $44 million?

Are we talking about the Chicago Cubs winning the American Major League Baseball for the first time in their 141 year history?


Community Matters - White Ribbon Day: Changing attitudes towards woman


Domain entrance gets upgrade

Domain Driveway - 1 -821

Essential services for small block farming


Letters to the Ed


Natural healing that feels good


Shepherd to chair new-look regional council

Bill Shepherd has been elected unopposed to chair a new-look Northland Regional Council for the next three years.


Small Talk

Scouts say thank you - Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Scouts have enough money
Walking Weekend date Announced - The annual Mangawhai Walking Weekend 
Waipu carol services - Carol services will be held on Sunday December 18
Don’t be greedy! - Uretiti and Bream Bay are often the scene of big crowds 
Make a carol date - A Christmas music and carol concert 

Community patrol to support police

Summer is on its way and with it a lot more visitors and tourists will be heading to Mangawhai.

Crime prevention is a good place to start when it comes to keeping everybody safe and happy.


New market venue proves popular

Feeling her brainchild Beach and Country Market had run its course at the Domain, market manager Sue Martin was looking for a way to ‘freshen it up’ and keep both exhibitors and public interested.

Construction to start on Puhoi to Warkworth Motorway

Police Snippets


Schools swap mobile phones for rewards

Worzels World - Each to his own

National title icing on the cake for cadet unit

National Winners-625

Do you know these people?

lost SD card photos-960

Showcase of glass and wood

18 MF-WoodGlass1-321

Celebrating 64 years of blossoms and blooms

Mangawhai’s Library Hall overflowed with brilliant colour and sweet perfume on November 11 as Mangawhai Women’s Institute (MWI) kicked off their 64th annual Floral and Craft Show. 
18 MF-Floralcraft2-685

Gull outlet to create competition

Gull Wellsford-497

Preparing for the Garden Ramble

walking iris gael-645

Fishing comp lures locals

Carters Lower North Region kicked off summer on Friday November 11 with their annual fishing competition, which involved customers from Mangawhai, Maungaturoto, Warkworth and Whangaparaoa branches.
Carters Fishing Comp winner 2016-854

Mystery truck causes accident

Roy Vaughan car accident-279

Cookbook like a biographical journey

The Quay to the Cove FRONT COVER-502

Help available when you reach tipping point

Anthea Raven is a qualified and registered social worker, experienced trainer and educator, and an accredited disputes mediator. She has 30 years experience in the human services across a range of environments
Anthea Raven-608
The Mangawhai Focus is the only 'Mangawhai' community Newspaper and is the paper of choice within the local area.

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