Public meeting: Help shape Mangawhais futureDo you want to help shape the future of Mangawhai by having your input into the Mangawhai Central development, getting lower rates or by increasing our representation on the Kaipara District Council (KDC)?
These issues are the current focus of newlyestablished community group, Mangawhai Matters Society (Inc), who are holding a public meeting at the Domain Hall, Saturday October 3 at 4pm. All residents and ratepayers are encouraged to attend. With the dissolution of the Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association (MRRA), Mangawhai Matters registered as a society in early August following the unanimous resolution of 57 community members at a meeting in July. The current focus of the Society is to ensure the Mangawhai Central development meets the wishes and concerns of the community. Five of the Society’s members lodged an 80-page ‘Further Submission’ in August objecting to a number of aspects of the planned development (KDC Plan Change 78) including current densities, the impact of existing Mangawhai infrastructure, the lack of parks and facilities and the impact from increased traffic. A copy of the group’s submission is available on Mangawhai Matters’ new Facebook page. At the October meeting, Mangawhai Matters will outline planned submissions and expert evidence it intends to call before the hearing with planning commissioners on PPC78, scheduled for late November. Input from the community on the focus of those submissions is important and would be welcomed. “As a dedicated community group, Mangawhai Matters supports our community in which we live,” says chairman Doug Lloyd. “Looking to the future, we want to be involved and influence council initiatives, workshops and decisions. “Our current low level of councillor representation on the council when compared to our population is of major concern when it comes to the setting of rates, the rapid planned increase in population and the infrastructure needed to meet the population growth.” Mr Lloyd says there definitely was a growing concern amongst the community that Mangawhai was KDC’s ‘cash cow’ yet it lacked the necessary facilities such as an additional boat ramp and better roads that the explosion in population would definitely require. Currently a small action group is working on the range of issues it believes are important to Mangawhai’s future. Mr Lloyd said this action group needed to be expanded with wider community representation, especially from young Mangawhai families who would be principally impacted in the future by the rapid growth facing the community. “There are some really talented younger people in our community and their input is critical so Mangawhai Matters gets it right about the future direction and focus of our community organisation,” he said. The October 3 meeting will give community members the opportunity to join the organisation and receive regular updates on its progress. „ Mangawhai Matters community meeting, Domain Hall, Saturday October 3 at 4pm. Part of the new team who have stepped up to look after Mangawhai community interests on behalf of local residents, Mangawhai Matters treasurer Carol Lloyd and secretary Rachael Williams. |