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Mayors Message



Kia ora

A surprise season of tsunami sirens is upon us. A real evacuation-level alert, a false alarm and then a scheduled test all within one month – that’s a bit to get your head around! On 5 March there was a legitimate tsunami evacuation for communities of Mangawhai and Ruawai. Thanks to the thousands who responded and followed Northland Civil Defence instructions. On 15 March there was also a Kaipara and Whangarei false tsunami alarm for 3 minutes, due to a technical error, for which Northpower has apologised. Coming up on Easter Sunday 4 April there will be a scheduled tsunami siren test. In response to public feedback the test sirens will sound for two minutes at 12 noon ONLY. There will NOT be the usual second test ten minutes after the first. It seems the tsunami sirens have never sounded as frequently across the Kaipara and people need to be mindful at this time. Know the siren sound and what you may need to do.

With its peak consultation of the Council term right now, through March Kaipara District Council is consulting about the Long Term Plan 2021-31. Specifically there are seven key projects for which we’re seeking your input. We’ve started with a 3.37 per cent average rates increase, one of the lowest in the country, but the seven key projects could change that figure. Now’s the chance to have your say.

Getting on with the job of making Kaipara better, here’s a quick list of some awesome progress being made at the Council:

· Kaipara Kickstart’s Unsealed Road Network $8m works have begun, with 14.4km of roads rehabilitated already to date since the start of the autumn season. Ripping, rolling, reforming of some roads is ahead, though not stretching to every inch of Kaipara’s 1200km of unsealed roads. Business-as-usual investments plus the PGF investment over the next 18 months will improve our gravel road network, and that journey is just beginning now.

· New seal road works start for Pouto Road Phase 1 this week – the biggest sealing project in Northland in many years.

· Resource consents and building consents are up, and this financial year Council staff have processed 99 per cent of non-notified applications within the 20 working day timeframe which is well up from 71 per cent and 81 per cent of the last two years. The last four months we have been on 100 per cent - as it should be, but something worth shouting about considering recent years.

· Currently the team are processing 97 applications which is up from a consistent mid-70s figure last year. This is a sign development is flourishing in Kaipara irrespective of Covid-19 and the associated recession. Seventy of these current applications are within Mangawhai with the remaining applications spread evenly around the district.

· The proposed route map for the Kaihu Valley Trail will be released soon, part of which will be on the railway line where the last train ran on 29 March 1959.

Sixty-two years from steam trains to e-bikes, roads getting fixed, record growth of a popular place – Kaipara’s on its way! Progress from the Council on many fronts is pointing us towards a better Kaipara. All aboard!

Nga mihi

Mayor Jake

Dr Jason Smith, Mayor of Kaipara District

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