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A fun event to share with family and friends

Tanekaha opening-251Organisers of the upcoming Mangawhai Walking Weekend have been busy developing some exciting new activities for their programme to encourage youth and family groups to come along and share the fun of the annual Mangawhai event.

Young families are future participants of the weekend, so organisers wish to inspire children to come along for some fun. With a fabulous opportunity to utilise the extensive facilities available in the Mangawhai Community Park, including the Mangawhai Activity Zone, this year’s walking weekend is very excited to offer two new adventure events; Bike Mangawhai Grindfest and Event Cach, each designed with family groups and children in mind.

Bike Mangawhai Grindfest Two hours of fun filled riding for all ages and abilities. Bring your bikes on Saturday morning and hit the Mangawhai Activity Zone bike trails and skills area under the supervision of experienced riders led by local Commonwealth Games representative Sadie Parker. For children and adults, try your skills, learn tips from the experts and compete in short cycle cross races. There will be a women’s ride, family ride and open ride. Don’t forget your helmet!

Event Cach Bring your GPS or smart phone to the Mangawhai Community Park on the Sunday morning. With 37 hectares of old sand dunes covered in mainly kanuka forest, the park is big enough for a good work-out but not big enough to get lost in! The park is well tracked and all caches will be associated with these tracks. A perfectly shady environment on a hot day, sheltered on a windy day.

Participants will get a map of the area and the geo-locations of caches and can hit them in any order. You will need a GPS (smart phone will do) and something to write with and on. There will be a cut-off time after which we will send out the rescue party. Great fun for families and friends to get out enjoy together.

For those who are keen to not walk there is the gentler Secret Garden Spectacular or discover the mysteries of the Blokes Sheds. Prefer a walk with your best buddy? This year’s doggie walk will be across a beautiful rural block on Kings Road.

With an extensive selection of spectacular walks including coastal, rural, farm, special interest, adventures and events over three days, including Fridays Troubadour Trail (with children free) and Saturday afternoons Food & Wine Festival, the Mangawhai Walking Weekend is a wonderland of choice where you will feel spoilt for choice.

n For bookings and information check out mangawhaiwalkingweekend.co.nz or follow updates on Facebook.

DAY OUT: Walkers at the Tanekaha Forest Track swing bridge. Something for everyone over the Walking Weekend.


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