Local chef makes TV debutMorning television show Whanau Living focuses on Stacey Morrison’s personal journey of discovery on how to balance a busy lifestyle, while being a mother of three young children, wife, radio and TV presenter.
It’s about balance and though we try to do it all ourselves, invariably we need ideas and help from a number of different directions to achieve that stability. For example, some of New Zealand’s leading restaurant chefs help teach Stacey how to create family-friendly recipes in under 20 minutes from kitchen to plate with everything from Raw Food, Mexican, Japanese, European to Maori inspired cuisine. Mangawhai chef David Bonometti is among those who, with his experience at the local Frog & Kiwi restaurant, has a range of ideas and experience to deliver meals of variety, taste and colour to suit any family. David’s contribution was filmed with Stacey and company on the kitchen set at the Whanau Living house in Auckland though the intro will be filmed in his Mangawhai restaurant kitchen. The programme also shares strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle with fitness and well-being segments presented by Beez Ngarino Te Waati – one of New Zealand’s top fitness trainers. Capoeira, Yoga, Acupunture, Bokwa, Hot Hula, Salsa and other activities make exercise less of a chore. Life is not just about food and exercise. We learn handy solutions on beautifying the home and garden with the guidance of award-winning landscape gardener Meg Kane, Maihi Makiha in creating simple yet beautiful craft ideas for the home and Jay Wanakore makes DIY Projects look easy to understand and complete. Throughout the series, Stacey offers a sense of trying to achieve a balanced busy life – something all working viewers can appreciate. The episode of local interest will air on Whanau Living on TV One, 9am, March 22. MEAL IDEAS: Whanau Living presenter Stacey Morrison and Mangawhai chef David Bonometti. |