
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



22nd November 2021 Issue

Show of support for teachers lost to Covid mandate

As the government’s mandate loomed

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Ed Said: Let's look at the numbers

The news can’t get any crazier these days.


Council climate change action plan released

Kaipara District’s coastline winds from the wild West.

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Different perspectives, different landscapes

Landscapes are the inspiration for the new exhibition on display.

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Mayor's Memo

As already reported, Government has mandated the Three Waters Reforms.


New cross-Council drought management plan released

Kaipara District Council (KDC) has worked with other Northland Councils.

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New courses coming for aspiring writers

Budding writers honing their craft

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Rescue helicopter service likely to move

Northland’s rescue helicopters could be on the move.

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The Climate Chap: A COP-out? Blah, blah, blah!

Be warned: This article is positive!


Covid cancels Christmas parade, but Santa still coming to town

Mangawhai Activity Zone’s (MAZ) Christmas Parade cancelled.

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Letter to the Editor

Mandate compassion I joined the crowd that gathered on Monday.


Summer swim spot survey starts early December

Annual summer water quality tests will begin Monday, December 6.


80-year-old has car ransacked, community rallies to help

Mangawhai’s benevolent community spirit was well illustrated.


Weather and Covid can’t dampen successful Garden Ramble

Undeterred by a stormy sky and heavy rain
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Adapting to Covid restrictions vital for local businesses

Keeping any business alive and thriving requires dedication.

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Gardening With Gael: Pick the right time to transplant

My advice would be not to transplant at this time of the year.


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The gift of giving

As I write this there is six weeks until Christmas.

Alex Donald 2018 sm

The wealth of the harbour depends on the health of the harbour

For those who were here 30 years ago or those who have learned since.

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McCallum Bros sets up Q&A site

The issue of ongoing sandmining and consent applications continues.
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Sustainable Kaipara launches new climate change series

Locals keen on becoming vaccinated against the ongoing Covid virus.


Can we be mindful without meditation woo-woo?

Mindfulness meditation is incredibly popular.

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True rescue tale subject of latest rescue helicopter kids book

The Northland Rescue Helicopter’s latest children’s book.

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$5 million budget for Mangawhai library project

A quiet place to read was on the books.
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Help for those with energy hardship, Northpower’s new energy advice programme wins SEEC funding

Northpower has won funding.

Mangawhai Zonta taking a stand against gender-based violence

Thirty-five percent of women worldwide.

Sponsorship needed for Helping Hands Christmas Trail

Looking for sponsorship to run a festive Christmas Trail.

The Mangawhai Focus is the only 'Mangawhai' community Newspaper and is the paper of choice within the local area.

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