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$5 million budget for Mangawhai library project




22 Nov, 2021


thumbnail 21 MF-Newlib2-108A quiet place to read was on the books at a recent Kaipara District Council (KDC) meeting, as elected members were given the pros and cons of possible locations for a brand-new library in Mangawhai.

With the provision of the construction for a new facility included in the areas Long Term Plan 2021/31 (LTP), councillors attending the November 03 meeting listened to a variety of scenarios on where the new library should be built, from KDCs property, procurement and commercial manager, John Burt.

“The session’s purpose was to obtain council’s preference for a location as well as approval to seek community consultation regarding council’s choice,” he says.

“Three possible locations for the library have been identified; Mangawhai Central (MC), Mangawhai Village and Mangawhai Community Park (MCP), next to the fire station along Molesworth Drive.”

Advantages and disadvantages of the differing sites were contemplated, taking in proximity to local facilities and ease of access, costs of purchasing land and impact on surroundings.

The plus sides for a library in the Village include continuity due to being in the same area as the current library, and close vicinity to the school and shops with the potential cost of acquiesing land being the minus.

Although a library in MC had ‘potential to broaden the purpose’ of the commercial hub, uncertainty regarding the timing of when property will actually be available, as well as the financial prospect of having to buy land, were drawbacks.

Several benefits were identified for MCP, with a major financial plus due to the land already being owned by council, eliminating the need for land costs and is ‘centrally located’, neighbouring other community facilities such as Mangawhai Activity Zone, St John, and Mangawhai Club. However the potential effect on the park was sited as a disadvantage.

“There could be an impact on park values if Mangawhai Park was selected as it will increase the strip development along Molesworth Drive and result in a minor decrease of park open space,” Burst says. “Overall, this potential

impact is mitigated by the over 30 hectares of open space provided by the park.”

A five million dollar budget for design, construction as well as any necessary land acquisition, has been allocated in the LTP for the new library, with cost estimates for purchasing land in the Village or MC around $800-$1000 per square metre.

According to the Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa, libraries which service populations between 3000 and 10,000 ideally should have a floor area of 700sqm. Mangawhai’s current library measures approximately 129sqm.

thumbnail 21 MF-Newlib1-6“To accommodate Mangawhai’s growing population, a site between 1500-2000sqm will be required to accommodate the new building’s dimensions of 700-1150sqm with space also available for parking. These costs would be incurred if the council-owned land at Mangawhai Community Park is utilised,” Burt says.

“Because of rising land values and construction costs, there is a financial risk that the budget will not be sufficient. Once council has identified a preferred location it will enable project costs to be more accurately estimated by council officers.”

Last year, building consultancy firm A & R Associates consolidated the Mangawhai Civic Facilities Options Assessment ‘to investigate options on how council can plan and invest in future Mangawhai civic assets’ which identified six possible sites for the library as well as ideas to incorporate new KDC offices with the facility.

The report contained ideas for council to purchase either the vacant corner plot on Moir Street and Molesworth Drive, the industrial zoned empty site opposite Mangawhai Museum, or develop land next to the fire station for a combined library and office. A village green and mixed use commercial or community space was also suggested to be included in the design for the Mangawhai Village location.

Utilising the old fire station on Wood Street and land between Bennetts and the Village Gas station were also listed in the report but did not make the reccommended short list.

A & R advised council to consider certain factors when deciding on the locality of civic facilities in Mangawhai, emphasising that the physical location of a library significantly affects the facilities use similar to retail stores, with a poor location resulting in ‘reduced access and patronage’ and affecting the ‘potential, effectiveness, and equity of service’ of the facility.

The consultants also recommended council engage with the community once they have chosen their preference.

“Elected members indicated at the meeting that we should consult the community on all three locations that have been identified,” Burt says.

“At this stage councillors haven’t indicated a preference so the next steps are for council officers to prepare an engagement plan on councils preferred option. This will be followed by community consultation on this preference, with the results reported back to council for further consultation and the final decision."


“Because of rising land values and construction costs, there is a financial risk that the budget will not be sufficient.”


Mangawhai Village and Mangawhai Community Park (next to the fire station along Molesworth Drive) are two possible sites for the proposed Mangawhai library build. PHOTOS/JULIA WADE

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