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Ed Said: Let's look at the numbers



22 Nov, 2021


According to Northland District Health Board figures released on November 15, that’s the percentage of Kaipara district residents fully vaccinated out of a total eligible population of 21,197. Partially vaccinated number 2210 (10 per cent) and unvaccinated 5240 (25 percent).

Those percentages are fairly representative of Northland as a whole. From a total eligible population of 164,699, fully vaccinated number 110,624 (67 per cent), partially vaccinated 16,486 (10 per cent), and unvaccinated 37,589 (23 per cent).

Northland is the least vaccinated DHB in the country.


That’s active cases on November 16. By the time you read this, New Zealand will have over 4000 active cases, and had over 6200 total community cases in the current Delta outbreak.

While these figures were a real surprise to me, the demographics are even more so, showing that Delta is an equal danger to all age groups: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29 and 30-39 each make up from 17-21 percent of all cases. It’s amazing to think young children and teens make up 35 percent of total community cases.

This is no disease just for the elderly. Sixty-five percent of hospitalisations are aged 0-49. The fully vaccinated make up just 10 per cent of all hospitilisations so far. Maori and Pacific make up 41 percent and 30 percent respectively of all cases. The overall male/female split is 50/50.


That’s the number of apparent misreported deaths in Russia from Covid according to some sources who reckon the total of Russian Covid deaths is more like 753,000 - ahead of the US, Brazil and India.

Only about a third of 145 million Russians are vaccinated, allowing Delta to spread like wildfire among a population that distrusts its government and the vaccine.

Moscow went into a lockdown a couple of weeks ago.


Continuing with the medical theme, Ireland’s win over the All Blacks in the last Dublin test was a bitter pill to swallow, and left our favourite national team with more than a few bumps and bruised egos. Those numbers weren’t the final score, but may as well have been. The 29-20 loss saw us make 235 tackles to Ireland’s 101, Ireland 175 passes to our 57, and the men in black having to live off the scraps with just 36 per cent territory and 39 percent possession.

The stats may be horrific, but I’m amazed how the All Blacks hung in there against the wave of those numbers, lack of tactical awareness and error-ridden play.



1 million
It’s a crazy world we live in. That’s the number of chicken nuggets McDonald’s NZ gave away in their November 17 promotion. It’s an admirable gesture, but I can’t help thinking about the harrowing images of starving Afghan children beamed around the world recently and wonder if the fast food behemoth might be better served, even indirectly, giving to that cause. There are more than 30,000 restaurants in 120 countries on six continents.


5.493 billion
According to interest.co.nz, that’s the recently released combined annual profit from NZs Big 4 banks - BNZ, ANZ, ASB and Westpac. For BNZ it was a 74 percent ($1.322 billion) record high. And all this through a Covid pandemic. Funny how these financial results get little comment from people in the street. The government gets it in the neck over just about everything, but one comment posted online said: “It's not hard to tell who really calls the shots in this country.”

Rich Pooley

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