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Rescue helicopter service likely to move



thumbnail Paul Ahlers-NEST Chairman-2021 crop-70422 Nov, 2021


Northland’s rescue helicopters could be on the move to Whangarei airport.

Northland Emergency Services Trust (NEST) has held a special meeting with Whangarei District Council (WDC) this week seeking approval to lease land and buildings at the airport.

NEST has been working with WDC for approval to relocate its base to Whangarei Airport, with council voting to approve the proposal in principle, and both parties will enter in a memorandum of understanding to be finalised over the coming weeks.

Under the proposed arrangement, the move to the airport could be completed by the end of 2022. All costs associated with the move will be covered by NEST.

The rescue service has been looking to relocate its base for many years, and in looking at alternative options, has considered a range of factors including civil aviation compliance and general proximity to Northland DHBs Whangarei Hospital, says NEST Chairman Paul Ahlers.

“The location that meets the highest attributes in this regard is the Whangarei Airport at Onerahi,” says Mr Ahlers.

“We have looked at a number of different sites that have had to be ruled out for one reason or another. The Whangarei Airport would seem like the most natural fit for an aviation based activity such as ours. It allows us to meet full compliance with civil aviation regulations in almost all weather conditions, which is a priority for a rescue service.”

NEST has been based at Kensington Park in Whangarei for the past 33 years. The service shares the ambulance station premises with the Order of St John, and runs its aircraft and engineering operations from this central city location.

Demand for Northlands Rescue Helicopters continues to grow with the service now operating three Sikorsky S-76 helicopters and performing well over 1200 flights per year.

NEST has outgrown the Kensington facility and has been considering alternative base locations in and around Whangarei city for some time now, says Mr Ahlers.

The existing Kensington Park ground lease with Whangarei District Council will expire in mid-2023, and NEST is looking to have relocated its base before that date.


NEST Chair Paul Ahlers says the service has outgrown its current location.

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