Letters to the EditorDoubts about vaccinations As a member of Otamatea Grey Power I wish to clarify our group's views on vaccinations. We are not against single vaccinations administered for a specific illness but strongly oppose the current practice of immunising babies with multiple vaccines at 6 weeks, 3 months, 5 months, 15 months and 3 years, with each injection covering multiple diseases. For example, the vaccination given to a 6-week-old infant covers diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, hepatitis and influenza. The description on the back of an influenza vaccine packet reads as follows: “Contents: One 5 mL dose vial. For intramuscular injection. Prepared from influenza viruses propagated in embryonated chicken eggs and inactivated with formaldehyde. Each dose contains the preservative thimerosal [(mercury derivative); 25 mcg mercury/0.5 mL dose for ages (up to) 36 months; 12.5 mcg mercury/0.25 dose for ages 6-35 months)].” This is why our group is pushing for cessation of multiple vaccines being given to babies whose own immune system has not had a chance to develop, and the right for parents to choose. There are a growing number of medical researchers citing possible links between multiple vaccines and an increase in cases of autism. We hold that it is a parent's right to choose where any doubt exists. Does any sane parent want their child to be injected with formaldehyde and mercury? A Morgan Maungaturoto |