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Double exhibition at local gallery



Mangawhai Artists Gallery continues their summer of art with a new exhibition beginning on January 25, with what appears to be work represented from opposite art genres.

Realism painter Russell Hills and impressionist artist Brendan Greening, will be showcasing a full gallery in late January, with art work reflecting their respective styles and journeys of becoming an artist.

Hills, a former political journalist, says he has been passionate about art for more than 20 years. His paintings depict landscapes inspired from travels abroad including Europe and USA as well as from local beauty found in the South Island and home town, Mangawhai.

“Most of my stuff is representational, including this view north from Mangawhai to the Whangarei Heads which will be the biggest piece in my show,” he says. “A number of other local perspectives are included, reflecting my passion for the spectacular geography we are blessed with and representing this in oils on canvas in an intensely personal way.”

Mangawhai’s magic has also been a source of inspiration for Greenings who moved to the area in 2007.

2 MF-artexhibit1-967“I came here to focus more fully on my work and feel through the last 10 years that I’ve come to a turning point where I’ve become an established artist,” Greening says. “I feel I’ve finally found my true artistic voice.”

Greening’s path to being a fully-fledged paying artist began early in his youth, achieving many milestones painters aspire to by the time he was only in his early twenties.

Painting since his mid-teens, Greening was able to earn a living from his art at the age of 16 by selling portraits of rock stars from two Auckland shops.

At age 18 Greening’s interest in forming his own impressionist style developed while copying the ‘Masters’ and his first solo exhibit took place in an Auckland cafe when he was only 21. By 2006 he had his own studio and gallery in Swanson before moving to Mangawhai Heads.

Greening’s exhibit ‘Two Steps Backwards’, illustrates his journey to finding his true style as an artist.

Both exhibits run from January 25 – February 7 at Mangawhai Art Gallery, Moir Street Mangawhai. Open seven days from 10am – 3pm.

OWN STYLE: Brendan Greening with two impressions of his style.

HOME: Russell Hills’ realistic portrayal of Mangawhai Heads’ northern view.

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