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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did You Know......

Great work by MHRS
Cycle, walk or drive down Pearson St to the Kainui St esplanade reserve to see what has been achieved by the Mangawhai Harbour Restoration Society. Mangroves on the Sand Island have been removed with the final clean-up underway. The estuary looks so beautiful, especially when the tide is full, while at low tide birds are feeding in strong numbers. With the bird breeding season soon to begin, mangrove removal work will stop, so the pressure is on to complete all the consented work within the set time frame. Kainui St reserve is a great place for family activity as it provides safe swimming for the little ones, rocks for climbing, sprat fishing, and kayaking opportunities. Plenty of parking too.

Exciting changes at MAZ
Planning is well underway at Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ) for the next stage of the skate park development with J-Stone Parks hoping to make a start around September 16, completing the volcanoes and the streetscape. This could take three months, so all should be ready for the summer holidays. The covered family picnic and barbeque area will soon be under construction thanks to the fantastic Casino Royale night fund raising success, so when the toilets are in place MAZ will be one of the best places in Mangawhai for families to enjoy. The concept of memorial seats in the park has been well supported, with a number already in place – just contact Colin Gallagher 021 955 850 if you want more information.

n Take the time to become informed by reading the EcoCare report tabled at Kaipara District Council by the Community Panel. It is very comprehensive, and has numerous recommendations which KDC will now consider in consultation with the community.

n Smashed Pipi cafe/restaurant is open for business again, although Helen and Sheryl say there are more changes to come! Open Tuesday to Sunday frrom 8.30am, with bar meals available in the evening. Labour Weekend should see the restaurant open for evening dining.

n Kaiwaka Cinema: Home, matinee on Sunday August 30, 2pm, $5. Big Eyes, Friday September 4, 7.30pm And I’ll See You In My Dreams onSeptember 18.

n Visiting Mangawhai, a serious glass collector friend checked out the Pipi Gallery, very much impressed by the quality of work on display, and the knowledgeable, helpful staff (that's you, Barbara!) Several purchases were made, and contacts established. THIS TOWN of Mangawhai has it all.

Voyage a great opportunity
A reminder that Zonta Mangawhai is calling for applications from young women 15-18 years of age for the Spirit of Adventure 10-day youth development voyage. This year, two worthy recipients who meet the criteria will be awarded a place on the trip. Applications close on September 25 with forms available by request by emailing mangawhai@zonta.org.nz, or phone or text Sue on 027 555 6636 with your email address. Previous recipients have been Briar Lomas, Charlene Kahotea-Smith, Hayley Aldworth from Rodney College, and in 2011, the winner was Leila Stephens, a year 13 student from Otamatea High School.

‘Operatunity’ will be a sellout
Have you secured your ticket for the Operatunity Concert 'I'm In Love With Vienna'? The event is hosted by the Mangawhai Probus Club, Thursday September 17 in the new Anglican Church on Molesworth Drive which has lovely accoustics. Tickets $25, includes afternoon tea, from Bammas in the Village and Books & Gifts in Wood St. Last year's performance was a sellout, so don't delay.

New artists at Art Trail
Mangawhai Artists Inc. will be hosting another stimulating Art Trail over the weekend of September 26-27, which is also the start of daylight saving! Sixteen or so venues, lots of new artists, plus an opportunity to view many of the works entered in the Gilmore Brown Art Awards currently on show at the Kauri Museum in Matakohe. These will be displayed in the former Smashed Pipi gallery, kindly made available for the Art Trail by the Hockenhull family.
Jo Roberts - Hanging out in the Kaipara copy-381Signing off…
This is the last 'Did You Know?' column from me, one I have enjoyed putting together since the Focus began. After 10 years, I'm sure the time is right for a change! This 'Facebook for the Senior Generation' snippet currently circulating on the internet perhaps says it all:

“For those of my generation who do not, and cannot, comprehend why Facebook exists: I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles.

Therefore, every day, I walk down the street and tell passers-by what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later, and with whom. I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day. I also listen to their conversations, give them the 'thumbs up' and tell them I like them.

And it works just like Facebook. I already have four people ‘following’ me: two police officers, a private investigator and a psychiatrist.”

 Tell us about your news, views or event. Contact The Focus (09) 438 0904 or email info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz

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