Mangawhai Bowling Club results - Maungie says ThanksAn Away Trifecta
Three senior bowlers – Gerry Mulligan, Neville Franks, Paul Freeman – took their annual bowling trip down to the Auckland and North Harbour greens recently. First up was a tournament at Bridge Park BC, Mangere Bridge, where they swept all before them winning the day. The second day was a day of bowls at Glendowie BC where they just got pipped for the win. A stopover at Mairangi Bay BC on the way back north they managed a close third. Manly Trip Three Junior 4’s teams travelled to Manly Bowling Club, North Harbour, to take part in the annual Phil Stanaway Trophy for junior bowlers. Mangawhai is the only club outside N.H.Clubs invited to compete against some of the best junior bowlers on the Shore. Teams from our two Mangawhai Clubs have been competing in the Event for some 10yrs now. The teams comprised Sue Epsom, Mona Guttenbeil, Erin Wildermoth, Rawi Brewster. Roger Hill, Bruce Hathaway, Graham & Susan Egerton. John & Jill Ballard, Noel & Barbara Howard. Sue Epsom’s team finished in 3rd place with all teams gaining a huge amount of experience and confidence. These are tournaments all our juniors would benefit from. Great going Teams. Winter Bowls Results July 20: 1st Ngare Price, Murray Heaton, Ron Heaton; 2nd Milly Mettem, Nicolette Franks, Neville Franks; 3rd Susan Egerton, Noel Howard, Graham Egerton. Random Draw: Bruce Hathaway, John Ballard, John Anderson. Touches: Bottles of wine to Jim Colvine, Judy Whelan, Ray Greening. August 3: 1st Anna Greenwood, Jim Colvine, Dundee Henwood; 2nd John Bottomly, John Jeffery, Ray Aicthison; 3rd Rawi Brewster, Sue Epsom, Di Robinson. Random Draw: Tony Heath, Jill Ballard, Erin Wildermoth. Touches: Sue Egerton, Ray Aitchison, Carol Harrison. August 10: 1st Milly Mettam, Neville Franks, Nicolette Franks; 2nd Ken Mcleod, Glen Jones, Neil Hibbert; 3rd Bruce Hathaway, John Ballard, John Anderson. Touches: Bottles of wine kindly donated by Sandbar Restaurant won by Nicolette Franks, Anna Greenwood, Glen Jones. This was the last day for the Winter Series. Winter tournaments have been very ably run by two hard working ladies, Rawi Brewster, and Jill Ballard. Thanks to Sandbar Restaurant and Anonymous for the generous donations of wine throughout the series, and Veronica for her hot soup. 6 Out Of 6 Over four weeks umpires Maureen Parker, Betty Harding, Jacqi Howarth, and Carole Horan have been tutoring six Mangawhai bowlers on umpiring They have done a great job encouraging and giving these six bowlers their knowledge and experience, instilling confidence for them to sit their umpiring and measuring course held at Kensington on Sunday August 10. Examiners Helen Stallard, and Jeanette Sinclair, from Bowls NZ put Ron Heaton, Glen Jones, Irene Donaldson, Keith Blincow, Susan and Graham Egerton, through the measuring course, and oral questions tests. All passed and are now Level 1 Umpires. Mangawhai Indoor Bowling Club Results Singles Club Championships: The final match in the singles club championships was played on Monday July 22. The winner was John Whelan, finishing with two lives intact. Close runner-up was Jean Phipps. All play on other mats stopped as everyone enjoyed watching the contest. Novice Singles Club Championships: And, the final match in the novice singles club championships was played on Monday August 10. The winner was Steve Fitt and runner-up was Yvonne Denize.