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Worzels World - The politics of control


What do those who seek political power want most? The answer, like many answers, is in the question. They want power. 

How is power obtained and held? Well we need only look at history once again. The first tool of despots Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and present-day China is the imposition of censorship. They controlled and often manufactured the information fed to those whose compliance was needed to maintain power. 

Of course this is not unheard of even here in New Zealand. When I sent in a submission opposing the ‘Validation Bill’ – which sought to favour the interests of globalist financial concerns over those of Kaipara ratepayers – it was rejected by an unelected public service goalkeeper. My original draft included the word ‘corruption’. I stand by the truth of the original but despite having no mandate to reject the submission on that basis the public service employee did reject it. In so doing she undemocratically took control of the narrative. In the interests of getting the submission beyond this politically correct vetting process I altered the word to the more acceptable ‘inappropriate behaviour'. 

The majority of submissions opposed that aberrant and undemocratic legislation but the Bill was passed anyway. The people ‘had their say’ but no one listened. The exercise did though serve to illustrate the perversion by dirty politics of the ideal of democracy here in New Zealand. 

The times though – as Dylan once sang – are a changing. Since that Bill was passed to benefit the banks and increase the debt burden on ratepayers, people all over the world, including New Zealand, have begun waking up to the fact that they have been used, abused and royally manipulated.

The hidden hands who pull the strings of the political puppets became alarmed when they saw the election of the maverick Trump with his promises of draining the swamp. Even in the face of an antagonistic press and an anti trump media, the current US president's popularity has not diminished but has rather increased. It was mainstream media that coined the idiom ‘fake news’. Trump though managed to appropriate the phrase and apply it accurately to the corporate media that coined it. 

It soon became clear that the term ‘fake news’ applied more to the corporate networks than to alternative news sources, and mainstream media lost the trust of all but the most gullible. It wasn’t long before Trump’s tweets on twitter and various non-mainstream commentators became more trusted and more popular than the likes of CNN. This of course is a major blow to the oligarchs who have spent billions gaining a controlling interest in the worlds major media organisations.

A further backlash against the status quo has occurred in Britain. Once an empire upon which the sun never set she now staggers about in the dark unable to leave a European confederation that she fought two great wars to avoid. The New World Order-friendly May government has stalled and dithered trying to convince the people that they were actually trying to leave the EU when clearly they were not. Now Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party has, after only six weeks of existence, gained more than twice the support of any party. May has been forced to resign. 

In Australia mainstream media did much as they did in the US. By reporting what turned out to be wildly inaccurate polls and dismissing Scot Morrison they were forced to eat humble pie when Morrison romped home the winner. It is clear no one believes the major new channels any more and why would they? 
Now our inexperienced young prime minister has shown her own globalist colours. Along with embattled French prime minister Emmanuel Macron (whose own once great nation disintegrates around him) she is pushing for censorship and regulation of the only truly free media forums remaining.

Has she and Emmanual become aware of the pending declassification of the FISA report in the US? There are rumours that it exposes collusion (Yes, it’s that word again) between US secret service agencies and the Five Eyes partners in an effort to further subvert the democratic process in the US and abroad.  Fearful of losing power if these agendas are exposed there is an effort to impose censorship by citing  ‘Hate Speech’ and ‘Cyber Terrorism‘. I have yet to hear a rational explanation of what these strange and once unheard of species actually are. What though is obvious is that it has little or nothing to do with peace and safety and everything to do with political control, manipulation of information and control of the narrative. 

Thankfully though the Trump administration is adhering to its country's constitution and will have no part in limiting freedom of speech through such censorship. Regardless of the noise and posturing of Macron and Adern, like the TPPA, if the US plays no part then it becomes a small town farce and hardly worth the bother. What those who want power most need is control over you. What they most fear is an informed people armed with truth who demand accountability from those they pay to serve them. That's my conspiracy theory, I encourage you to check it out.

 Feedback? Email prof_worzel@hotmail.com

People all over the world, including New Zealand, have begun waking up to the fact that they have been used, abused and royally manipulated.

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