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Govt to tackle high risk roads


The Government will invest nearly $95 million on improving Northland and Auckland’s most dangerous roads as part of its commitment to reducing New Zealand’s road roll, Transport Minister Simon Bridges announced recently.

The $600 million Safer Roads and Roadsides Programme will see safety improvements made on more than 90 high-risk sites on rural State Highways in 14 regions. It includes nearly all high risk roads where there have been five or more fatalities in the last five years.

“Up to $100 million will be invested annually in the programme over six years, $60 million more than is usually invested in road safety improvements. This includes $94.9 million for roads identified as high risk in the Northland and Auckland regions,” Mr Bridges says.

“It’s forecast that the nationwide programme of roading improvements will result in 900 fewer deaths and serious injuries on our roads over the next ten years.

“It’s a significant step up in road safety investment by the Government and reinforces our commitment to reducing death and serious injury crashes on New Zealand roads,” Mr Bridges says.

Road safety projects planned for the upper North Island are:

Ÿ SH11 North of Whangarei: Airfield to Lily Pond. Safety improvements began in May with an estimated cost of $1.7 million.

Ÿ SH12 Dargaville to Tokatoka: Safety improvements are due to start early 2017 at an estimated cost of $200,000.

Ÿ SH1 Whangarei: Toetoe Road to Springfield Road. Investigations are underway with plans to start work in 2017 at a cost of $25 million.

Ÿ SH16 Brigham Creek to Waimauku: Safety improvements are due to start in 2018 at a cost of $43 million.

Ÿ SH1 Dome Valley Safety Improvements: Work is due to start in 2018 at an estimated cost of $25 million.

Ÿ SH1 Ohaewai to Whangarei: Project investigation will start in 2016/17.

Ÿ SH1 SH2 to Wellsford: Project investigation will start in 2016/17.

Ÿ SH22 Great South Rd intersection: Project investigation will start in 2016/17.

Ÿ SH22 SH1 to Glenbrook Rd: Project investigation will start in 2016/17.

The safety upgrades will target causes of crashes by including a mix of road improvements, realignment of corners in some areas to improve visibility, side barriers, median barriers, rumble strips, wide centrelines, road marking and improved signage. Speed will also be addressed.

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