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Lessons from Russia - With Dr Wayne McArthy ND


Dr Wayne McCarthy-206I recently returned from the Russian Federation having witnessed the use of ozone therapy in their hospital system. They use it because it provides an effective answer to today’s health problems at a fraction of the cost. It’s also very simple and cheap to produce. People like it because it makes them feel good and gives them energy for life produced from a well functioning metabolism. It’s very safe with only 0.00007 percent side effects.

The escalating cascade of serious health challenges is affecting us all and solutions seem complicated, expensive, time consuming, even scary with no guarantees of success. The Russian doctors enjoy simple, cheap methods of helping large numbers of people in effective ways and ozone therapy is one of these.

It’s all based on the fact that oxygen is the key of life and when we get ill our total body saturation drops below the healthful level. Enter ozone therapy, which saturates the body with oxygen and all that that implies. The most common conditions usually involve pain, fatigue and infection – this is ozone’s field of action.

Pain, in all its forms is indicating hypoxia (low oxygen). We know this because injecting or applying ozone reduces or alleviates pain. It’s the same with infection from viruses or bacteria, which yield to ozone in most cases quite quickly.

In the Russian Federation it is used routinely to reduce surgical complications whilst hastening recovery times, all for the benefit of the patient. Hospital infections become less of a problem. Of course, for viral infections ozone holds the primary position.

As you might imagine the use of ozone is burgeoning around the world and hundreds of doctors are training in it each year, now in 41 countries including New Zealand.

It’s worth a look if more help is needed for your wellbeing. The effects are durable, deep and long lasting and are quickly felt. A lot of people ask “If it’s so good how come we’ve never heard of it?” Well, now you have!

n Dr Wayne McCarthy ND is a Naturopathic Physician and Specialist in Russian Medical Ozone, and Prolotherapy. He practices at Waipu Natural Health, phone (09) 432 1325.

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