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New Dynamic Yoga stimulates change


Crow Pose at Mangawhai Estuary-348Anybody wanting to improve their physical abilities and become better movers can take advantage of a new course in Dynamic Yoga in Mangawhai.

Designed by local yoga teacher Glen Crofskey from Tara Retreat Yoga, Dynamic Yoga is a unique system of yoga based on a variety of styles, infused with bodyweight exercises, jiu jitsu training and a range of movement patterns. Running for nine classes on Wednesday nights from July 27, the method is designed to build strength, stability and flexibility and teach how to flow into and out of postures. The short course is also designed to leave participants with the confidence and know-how to build their own home yoga practice.

“Over the nine nights we will investigate core stability and straight-arm scapula strength, work on wrist mobilisation, enhance our flexibility and squatting abilities and find a greater range and ease of movement,” says Glen. “We will build up to being able to perform our own versions of a dynamic yoga sequence that includes strength elements and poses that increase flexibility and also involves jumping into arm balances and moving into and out of headstands.”

Glen called his form of yoga ‘dynamic’ as that means a force that stimulates change or progress, and that is his aim for anyone who takes his classes – change for the better.

He says his Dynamic Yoga will benefit everybody who is interested in improving their physical body, from practicing yogis to those who have never done yoga before, and is a great tool for stress relief as “it is often easier for the mind to find stillness in movement” emphasising you do not need to be flexible, as that improves over time. Classes will be challenging but safe and fun.

“If you take yoga too seriously, then you’re not doing it right,” Glen adds.

Dynamic Yoga course, Wednesday nights from 6pm to 7.15pm at Tara Retreat from July 27 to September 21 (same as the school term), and just $100 for the whole course. Email tararetreat@gmail.com or ring Glen on 021 027 979 70. See tararetreat.co.nz/workshops for more information.

STRESS RELIEF: Yoga teacher Glen Crofskey does a crow pose at the Mangawhai Estuary.

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