KDC chief executive to step down14 July, 2022
Louise Miller has advised today that she will step down from her role as of Kaipara District Council chief executive on October 28, after the new Council is sworn in. Mayor Dr Jason Smith says for the last four years Louise has led Kaipara District Council from the front and built around her a great team that’s set Kaipara on a better path. “As chief executive Louise has overseen with flair the transformation of KDC to being a trusted Council that’s capable of taking on great big projects such as planning for Mangawhai Central, generating the Kaipara Spatial Plan and the District Plan Review, building Pouto Road and setting up the teams for delivering the PGF unsealed road network repairs,” says Mayor Smith. “Louise builds bridges rather than walls and the results of that show through the Council now. Getting results for Kaipara people and working well with the Elected Members of Council, iwi leaders and the wider Northland local government family have been hallmarks of Louise’s time at KDC. Louise has been a stabilising influence on KDC during her time, the longest-serving chief executive in the last decade. “With Louise the organisational culture of the Council has been invigorated for a new era and she leaves it in much better heart than it was at her appointment in 2018. Her calm and steady manner and unflappable style have served Kaipara well through a dynamic and challenging period, and our thanks and best wishes go with her for her next steps.” Louise Miller says she has not taken this decision quickly or lightly. “I’ve been thinking for some time about the skills a chief executive will need to lead the Council through the Government reform, to decide what I think is right for Kaipara and for my family. The new role, to stabilise the Council through the reforms and to create a new direction for Northland, belongs to someone else. They will develop their own vision, with the other new Northland mayors and chief executives,” says Louise. “I am so grateful for the way that I have been supported, encouraged, and welcomed by Kaipara and Northland; it has been heck of a ride but made easier by the relationship I have with so many of you.” Louise will spend time travelling in Europe and visiting with family before returning to New Zealand to find a new adventure.
Kaipara District Council chief executive Louise Miller says it is time for a new vision. (PHOTO/SUPPLIED) |