The state of state highways25 July, 2022
Locals travelling the area’s scarred state highways [SH] also have to dodge clusters of potholes, dips, dents, patches and pitting, making a hazardous drive for motorists and even more dangerous ride for motorcyclists. In particular, the SH12 stretch from Brynderwyn corner to Maungaturoto town has been in a state of disrepair for a number of years, and along SH1 between Kaiwaka and Te Hana the tarmac is marred with potholes, gouging and surface deterioration. Waka Kotahi was contacted by the Focus regarding the schedule for repairs of the state highways, however information was not received in time for print. The agency did send a statement released for a recent article by another publicaton based on the Far North’s roads, stating that Waka Kotahi had delivered one of the largest road maintenance programmes in Northland in 2021, an investment worth over $43 million. Waka Kotahi maintenance and operations regional manager for Auckland and Northland, Jacqui Hori-Hoult, says ‘our on-the-road crews proactively monitor Northland’s state highways 24/7 for issues including potholes, and repair thousands each year’. “High volumes of rainfall, coupled with ever-moving ground conditions in Northland, makes it a particularly challenging environment for road maintenance and potholes can develop very quickly,” she says. “When water penetrates the road’s surface, it can have a significant impact, causing the road to become saturated resulting in potholes and other damage. Pothole repairs during winter are done using a temporary fill, and follow-up work is carried out in summer when warm and dry conditions allow for longer-term repairs.” Members of the public can call 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49) to inform Waka Kotahi of potholes and other roading issues which need attention.
Lying in wait for unsuspecting drivers; hazourdous potholes along SH1 between Kaiwaka and Te Hana. PHOTOS/JULIA WADE
An example of the ongoing disrepair along the stretch of SH12 from Brynderwyn’s corner to Maungaturoto township. |